Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Law of Attraction

Is the Law of Attraction Real?

The law of attraction is the proposed effect of the mind’s thoughts influencing the flow of events in your environment. Though scientifically unproven, it suggests that what you think, and how you feel, ultimately impacts what happens to you. It is through the understanding and conscious use of this law, that brings about or manifests positive change in your life, in accordance with what you wish. Like attracts like, and therefore one becomes mentally and emotionally what they wish to be, in order for it to become a reality.

In order to understand how exactly to apply this Law effectively, one must understand some of the basic components involved, and how you are using them right now, and may not know. The first thing to understand is that your mind is not separate from your environment. Though it may seem as if a thought is very personal, and what happens inside your head, stays inside your head; the truth is actually all around you.

Thought, like everything else in the universe, is energy. The energy generated by you thinking, passes out into your environment, and begins affecting other energy there. The qualities of the energy that is sent out, begins to create changes in your environment in accordance with the qualities of your thought. This is why the Law of Attraction promotes happiness, as any positive thought coupled with a positive emotion, will help manifest a positive result.

Negative thoughts and negative emotions, through the Law of Attraction help manifest negative results, or as likely, no result. Positive thoughts and emotions are promoting, while negative thoughts and emotions are absorbent and draining. This could account for why a lot of people try out the law of Attraction only to be returned with either something bad, or nothing at all.

If you have by chance seen an anime called, ‘Full Metal Alchemist’, you may better understand why this may occur. In the show, the characters use a power called Alchemy, and this power is limited by a law of equivalent exchange. This law (in the show) states that you cannot gain anything without first giving up something of equal value in return. Though it is from an animated television show, it does well to sum up people’s beliefs on what they deserve.

Since we were children, sayings like, “Work hard and you may get somewhere some day”, and “There’s nothing in life worth having that comes easy” or even, “There’s no such thing as a free meal”, etc. I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand of these, and they all paint the same picture. You must suffer for your reward. This is also why, if something good happens to you, or if your day starts out pretty good, that sometimes it will begin to take a turn for the worst. “Too good to be true” may come to mind.

That’s because we hold the ‘equivalent exchange’ belief, and since our mind’s are not separate from our environment, it get’s changed or taken away because we believe we don’t deserve it. There is something called, “The Curse of the Lottery Winners” in which bad luck, or worse, befalls the lottery winners. Bad things can range anywhere from receiving a cut that gets horribly infected, to your marriage falling apart or a loved one can become severely troubled, to even close family members or even the winner themselves, dying.

Most people in poverty get used to such a life, and in many cases, that is all they have ever known. Having worked hard all their life, scraped the bottom of the barrel just to have what little they own; it’s sometimes difficult to change your way of thinking. If suddenly they were given a large sum of money, large enough to take care of all of their financial troubles for the rest of their lives, and then some. It’s not hard to see when the law of attraction comes into play, why bad luck befalls these people. It’s because on a conscious, or subconscious level, they don’t believe they deserve it. Which is sad, because they do.

This also illustrates to some degree why wealth won’t make you happy. At least not as happy as you think it will. Most turmoil that people experience comes from within, and when it manifests in their life, they deflect it, blaming it on financial troubles. “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. If the rich are happy, and we were to incorporate the law of attraction into this, then it is likely that the rich were happy to begin with.

When I first started learning about the Law of Attraction, it was something I found interesting, but never really tried to apply it to my own life. I would have events occur pretty frequently in my life that nearly mirrored something I was thinking about earlier, but never considered using such thing to my benefit. I mostly knew it as Synchronicity. Later I came to understand the law of attraction as “The Law of Attraction”, but still I had no real desire to incorporate it into my life.

Looking back on much of my life, there were many, many signs that thoughts, emotions and intentions can influence yourself, your environment, and ultimately what happens to you. Nearly every incident that comes to mind now that lies in my past, I can see how the law of attraction played a hand in it. I am a somewhat pessimistic person, and have a tendency to lean towards the worst case scenarios when there is something I am worrying about. Though in the background of my mind, I would be working out the odds that such a case would actually occur. Bad things, or bad luck often befell me.

Then ‘The Secret’ came out, and the movie was something I wanted to see. It looked good, seemed very entertaining as well as informative, and I wanted to know what it had to teach. Well, I never could afford to get the movie for the longest time. Then it came out on youtube for free (Not sure if it will stay free or online though) and I snagged the opportunity to watch it. And it was about as I expected it. Amazing.

The Secret filled in many gaps and holes I had with my understanding of the law of attraction and shed some light on why some things in my life weren’t changing, despite my efforts to change them. What you resist, persists. But I think the most important thing it managed to do was, inspire me. It inspired me to not only look at myself more deeply, but also to change my paradigm. Because the more I thought about what the movie taught me, the more I realized this law has been here all along.

Here is the first 20 minutes.
Sure enough, the full version, unfortunately, has been taken down. Luckily the first 20 minutes of the video is still up, and it goes over most of the important aspects of the Law of Attraction within these minutes, which is great. Hope you enjoy.

After I watched this movie, the next day I began applying it to my life. Connection quickly began to form between what I thought about and what happens before me. I began to try and maintain a positive attitude, and imagine something I wanted to happen, as if it was already taking place, or had already happened. I tried to feel the emotions that would be involved as it happens, and enjoy it. Then when I felt I had immersed myself enough, I let it go.

I didn’t try and force it, nor did I stress over whether it would be successful or not, I merely had a little faith that it would happen, and went about my day. Sure enough, things began to happen as I envisioned them to, and I was astonished. It was so easy, and fun! I couldn’t believe how potent it felt, even though the process itself seemed so effortless in many ways. It was like magic!

After a few days of playing with it, the shine began to wear off. Up until my inspiration over the matter had worn off, I had a near perfect hit rate. Everything that I attempted to attract into my life came true. Admittedly, they were mostly smaller things, not like ‘Lottery’ big or something. Then, as my inspiration began to fade, and my mood began to return to where it was prior to watching the movie, the effects also seemed to slip.

I will say this much. Over those few days, the connections I made, and the experiences I had, coupled with the success of it all, I am left with little doubt, the Law of Attraction is real. But maybe more importantly, I just want to be happy. I think if it taught me anything, it was the true value of happiness. A little cheesy, I know. But it did bring to my attention, how much I vastly underrated happiness and it‘s affects in my life. And I will continue to pursue a positive and happy life. And I hope you will as well!

Till Next Time!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Does the Soul exist?

Do we have a Soul, and is there proof that it exists?

This question recently has gripped me. I believed very much in a Soul, a life giving essence that each person, maybe even extending deep into the animal kingdom, as far down as the single cell, has. This notion was recently challenged, as I was presented with what seemed to be a series of scientific explanations in sequence to establish a checkmate of sorts, against the notion of the soul. This of course was… annoying, and deeply unsettling. So, I embarked to find myself proof of it’s existence.

I think that I should start this off by saying, I have not yet found evidence for the soul.  In this post I am merely laying out of the conditions I believe that if the soul exists, should meet at least on some level.  I really do hope the soul exists, and I hope I find proof that the soul exists.  I find the idea that we just pop up here, get a nice taste of what life is like, being aware, getting to experience, to laugh, love and live, only for it all to be yanked out from under you, to be not only insulting, but pointless.  That all of our chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, geometry, history…. Pretty much everything you can think of, came about through sheer happenstance.  A lucky roll of the dice.

When you think about it, each item in the list above represents order and design, yet these things came about according to the same scientists that use them, by random chance.  So I can’t help but notice an issue with the same logic that demands evidence for the soul.  Nevertheless, many of the questions raised about the soul and when/where it comes into play, are good questions, and if at all possible, should be answered.  So let’s begin with the very sequence of events that forced me to question my belief in the soul.


In order to understand why my belief in the soul has waned, it is probably important to first note I believed it to be a life giving and sustaining part of you that carried on after death.  If it was removed from you, you would die.  It also carried most of who you are, personality-wise, or at least a soul personality, which I guess would mean the you beyond your  physical ego.

Anyways, there was this youtube series I like to watch called “Stuff they don’t want you to know”, and as I watched a few videos, I ran across a two-parter titled ‘The Walking Dead’.  The first part was mostly fluff, talking about stuff I had already heard about, the second part however is where the first and second hit came from.  At about 1:32 into the second video, they begin talking about a Doctor by the name of Sergei Bryukhonenko, who began doing experiment to revive dead organisms.  One of his experiments involved severing a dog’s head, then through an artificial lung and heart, resuscitate the dead dogs head.

Here are links to part 1 and 2 of the video I am talking about, “Stuff the don’t want you to know”.

If that scene was real, then it presents a small problem for the soul.  I believed that the soul resided in the heart, but this changed when I discovered heart transplants.  Couldn’t be in the heart if we can trade-up hearts and stay alive and the same person.  I think after that I settled on the heart region, being the heart is what is physically there, and the soul is what is metaphysically there.  Well, as you can guess, that too went out the window when I saw that footage.  Can’t bring the head back to life if the soul is resting in the body, more then 10 feet away… can it?

Given that I was resting on the premise that the soul was a life giving and sustaining source, the head shouldn’t be able to revive if the soul isn’t present, right?  So at this point, I had to move that location from the heart region to the head region, or more specifically, the brain.  The head could be revived if the soul of a person resided in their head, because the soul would still be present.  If the soul exists, it being located in the brain would seem pretty logical, as most of who we believe ourselves to be, comes from our minds, and it is also the most important organ in the body, and also the most naturally protected.

Check again!

The second hit, if you watched the video, comes at about 2:15 into it, when they talk about Cryogenics, the act of freezing the body shortly after death.  The purpose, as mentioned, is to sustain the body’s condition in hopes that advancements in medical science will progress enough in the future to cure certain diseases, illnesses, damage to the body or maybe even conquer death.  The important part to note is the ’shortly after death’ part.  What struck me here was, the soul is supposed to leave the body after death.  We know that it must not leave immediately, or at least go that far from the body, as there are stories of people having been clinically dead for roughly thirty minutes to several hours, and still been successfully resuscitated.

Maybe it’s just me, but when I sat down and thought about the track record of science, and placed it next to Cryogenics, I figured it was highly probable that at some point in the future, successfully reviving the dead would happen.  I can easily picture the future, where the success of resurrecting the cryogenically frozen is plastered all over the news headlines.  It would be a sensation.  But what does that mean for the soul?  The body was clinically dead when it was frozen, and it remained so for a series of decades, and potentially hundreds of years.  If the soul leaves the body at death, or shortly after death, then how did it stick around for so long after death, to be there when the person was finally brought back?

Another thing this really hurts is reincarnation (which I did believe in that too).  So here we have potentially, a hundred year gap between recent death and returning to life, and we must account for where the soul was.  The first I want to address here is reincarnation.  If reincarnation is real, then wouldn’t the soul have left behind the frozen body after a length of time to reincarnate?  If it does, then only one of two things could happen.  1.) upon revival of the frozen person, the soul is ripped from the current incarnation of the soul, and dragged back to the reawakened person.  2.) nothing happens, because again you can’t bring back someone without a soul, and that soul is currently occupying another body.

If we don’t include reincarnation, then again one of two things could occur.  1.) the soul is hanging around in the spirit world, not doing anything really in particular, therefore it isn’t busy when the scientists come knocking for revival. 2.) the soul is actually anchored or tethered to the body in some way, and can’t actually leave until that tether is broken.

I actually liked number 2.  A tether.  It would fit wouldn’t it?  It could potentially answer the two questions, three if you count reincarnation.  If it exists then it would be in the brain, given the dogs brain experiment.  It would allow for those cryogenically frozen to be resurrected, because it would preserve the anchor as well.  And because the anchor is intact, and the soul is still around, it would prevent the soul from leaving and cheating on the old body with a new one.  It fits, yay!

That’s when my memory kicked in and hurt more then helped.  ‘What about hemisperectomies?’ some deeper part of my mind inquired.  Damn!  It made a good point.  If half the brain can be removed through an operation, and it can be either half, then where does that leave the tether?  I asked some of my friends this very question, and their response was, ‘that the brain as a whole was a receiver, and so long as enough of the brain is intact, it could continue it’s connection with the soul’ (I paraphrased).  This actually seemed like a decent answer.

Maybe it was bad luck, or maybe I was trying to sew up some minor issues that were left, but whatever the reason, I went and searched to see if there was maybe a part of the brain that couldn’t be removed, or else it would cause instant death.  More or less I was looking for some part of the brain that could potentially be the tether I was talking about.  The first thing that came to mind was the Pineal Gland.  It is famously said to be the seat of the soul after all, so it seemed like an excellent place to begin.  So I searched to see if it was possible to remove the Pineal Gland and live.  My hopes were quickly dashed as the results turned back a series of yeses.

Apparently 1% of all tumor based surgeries deal with the pineal gland.  Many people claimed that people have had their pineal gland removed and lived, they just needed a special doctor afterwards to replace artificially what the gland did naturally.  This was troubling.  Again I was soul-blocked.  When I thought about it, I didn’t know of any part of the brain that couldn’t be removed.  Sure it may cause some issues, but short of the entire brain being removed, you could probably live.  I was quickly running out of options.


Maybe it was the brainstem or something.  I remembered hearing that the pineal gland first appears in the a baby fetus at 49 days.  I thought maybe if I can find out what part of the brain develops first, maybe I can get a clue as to what the tether might be.  It would have to be a very important part and maybe irremovable, and maybe when that part develops, it’s also when the soul enters the body.  I was never able to find out exactly what part of the brain develops first, instead, I was met with a new question.

As I searched for what part of a newly conceived baby’s brain develops first, certain pictures of sperm ganging up on an egg (I thought they were trying to end bullying?) was on every page.  After that were picture after picture of different stages of the baby’s development.  I was reminded of biology, and some of what I had learned about the inherent intelligence of a single cell, especially how cells from our bodies can be taken out, and still function and live without us.  We are made up of trillions of these cells, I noticed that many different things begin to develop at the same time, such as the beginning stages of the brain, spine and heart, and it doesn’t take long after that for the other organs and limbs to begin to appear.

Further and further back I delved to see what prenatally there was to indicate some sign of a soul, until finally, I again arrived at the sperm bullying the egg.  It felt like a dead end.  How can the soul be involved in insemination?  The act itself could be completely random, and logic really weighed in against it.  To break it down a little further, we have 1 egg, and how many tiny little swimmers all fighting to join the world of the living?  Even on a 1 to 1 basis, that still equals 2 lives, that make 1 again?… to grow back into 2 again, and then a trillion or so more… to end up with 1 soul?  My head hurts.

Too many questions arise at this point.  Do single celled organisms have souls?  Then what happens to the thousands of sperm that didn’t make it into the egg?  Do they go to sperm heaven?!  Do they reincarnate into someone’s….. ok, moving along.  If they do have souls, then what does that make us?  A collective soul?  Made up of trillions of cellular souls, even though on a daily basis, thousands of our cells die and are replaced each day.

On the other hand, if they don’t have souls, and they are alive, or at least can function much the same way we do, then wouldn’t it be possible that we can be alive, and not have a soul?  We are after all made up of cells, it wouldn’t be that far of a leap.  Does life really need a soul?  Or maybe all that is alive, is a manifestation of soul, or maybe spirit?  It doesn’t have one, because it is one.  But does that concept leave room for an afterlife I wonder.

All this pondering, looking for the tiniest of loopholes, and I realized something.  Science is pretty air-tight.  From conception to birth, through life and death, the cycle is pretty complete.  There are still a lot of different angles that can be looked at, and maybe I will for another post.  But for now I will rest.

I still believe there is more out there.  A lot more infact.  Science is notorious for omitting things that they don’t like or can’t explain.  Perhaps left in the vastness of spaces still unexplored, there lies irrefutable proof that this life that we first open our eyes to, and shut them when we go, did infact have meaning.

So in the end here, I can’t say that I believe in the soul still, but I’m not completely convinced that it doesn’t exist either.  I hold hope with some unturned stones.  I took a pretty hard look at many different fields of science in hopes of finding some clues, and I couldn’t help but notice this very strong sense of order to it all.  Nature seems pretty smart to incorporate all that we know and more so beautifully.  So, if the soul exists, and science is willing, I think they will find that the soul was right up their alley all along.

Till next time!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

FDA Fights a Cancer Cure

The Cancer Cure Conspiracy Continues...

That’s fun to say… Anyways, ever hear of a man name Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski?  Before recently, I hadn’t, but a friend of mine shared a link to a film on the man and it’s contents were right up my alley.  It sparked a bit of interest and I did a little looking into him.  It seems a lot of what was mentioned in this film is true, though I wasn’t able to verify all of it, so keep that in mind.  Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but find this movie particularly hilarious, as well as insightful.

                                             Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski is a Polish, biochemist and physician, who discovered something very interesting dealing with a natural chemical in the body, later defined as peptides and metabolites, that can correct Neoplastic cells, or cancer cells in the body, getting them to behave normally again.  He later dubbed these chemicals ‘Antineoplastons’, for their cancer fighting qualities.  Dr. Burzynski’s treatment is best known for treating brain cancer, a notoriously difficult cancer type to treat.

Because of this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began to attack Dr. Burzynski relentlessly.  He claimed to have a cure for cancer after all, and the FDA can’t have a cure on their hands, all their money would slip away… so they harassed him.  They harassed him, his patients, they raided his place, took his patients medical records, took him to court many times, tried to get his medical license revoked, and tried to get him indicted.

This film I am about to show is Dr. Burzinski’s story, but more specifically, it shows very well how the FDA will use any underhanded tactic it can to smear, berate or blatantly attack whoever stands to threaten their wallets.  It is absolutely hilarious how desperate they present themselves in this video.  Clearly having no ground to stand on, they grasp at straws as they search frantically to find something to bring him down.

Anyways, enough of me ranting on.  Watch the film and tell me what you think of it.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

See what I mean?

Dr. Burzynski has some amazing willpower and courage to put up with a near constant assault by the FDA for years and years.  This man should be applauded for persevering through this ordeal to stand up for what is right.

In the end it just goes to show that the FDA has a greater invested interest in making sure their bank account is full, then making sure the public is in good health.  I find it really sad, and sometimes hard to deal with, that people suffer and die by diseases, for which cures exist, but are suppressed for monetary purposes.

Before I go, I just wish to apologize to any who reads this for ranting on the way I did.  There probably are people who work at the FDA that really do have only good intentions for everyone.  Obviously it is not these people whom I am addressing, but the corrupt few within.  Nevertheless, the evidence is there that money is power, and power breeds greed.  Perhaps it is not bad people corrupting a good system, but a bad system corrupting good people?

Food for thought anyways.

Hope you enjoyed.

Till Next Time, as always!  lolcats!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

OBE, NDE and Life After Death?

Is it possible to have Experiences outside of your Body?

An Out of Body Experience is the distinct sensation of the conscious part of one’s self separating and leaving the physical body and perceiving the world from the outside.

An Out of Body Experience (OBE) is a fairly common experience that occurs, most notably with Near-Death Experiences (NDE), in-fact in many ways, it is a defining feature of it.  About 1 in 10 people believe they have had an OBE in some form during their life, and many believe it won’t be their last.  Throughout history, and spanning multiple cultures, these phenomena have occurred and been reported.  One of the earliest stories related to NDEs can be traced back to ‘The Myth of Er’ by Plato, which dates back to 380 B.C.

Though many NDEs include and are closely related to OBEs, there are some differences that should be pointed out.  OBEs can occur at anytime, not only from stress or trauma, but also deep relaxation can trigger it as well.  Often times the experiences you have while Out of Body stay within the immediate area, with you experiencing the world with your five senses (sometimes to a heightened degree) around your body or somewhere not far.

NDEs are like OBEs, except they are a bit more broad, and dramatic.  NDE often are caused by close-calls with something that could have caused death.  Leading the person to have something similar to an OBE, but with the added sense of being dead, or on the verge of death.  During this time, the experience often take place far away from the body, and in place of religious connotation, such as seeing a bright light or tunnel, a sense of peace and love, encountering spiritual beings, and being given special information about your life, etc,.

These experiences obviously suggest life after death, with consciousness or the soul surviving beyond the body and having experiences apart from the physical five senses.  In many cases as stated above, the five senses used to perceive the world from the outside, were actually stronger and keener then of their physical counterparts.  Many accounts of both OBEs and NDEs share similar experiences, varying only slightly across culture and beliefs.  This of course caught the attention of mainstream science, and soon after, the race was on for an explanation.

One of the most intriguing details that drew science to investigate these experiences was some reported cases had people return to their bodies with detail about what went on when they where unconscious and out of body.  Knowledge about things they shouldn’t have been able to know, such as discussions that went on around them while the person was in this state, or even things said or done, or even details about a distant location, down the street and sometimes much further.  This should not be possible according to our currently accepted views of consciousness and the brain.  The current consensus is that consciousness arises from the infinite complexity of the brain, and stays there unable to move out of or away from it’s source.

Because these phenomena hang so heavily on the Paranormal and even on the fringe side of science, it was difficult to investigate this without dragging into the mix certain other closely associated concepts such as ‘Astral Projection’, ‘Spirit Walking’ and ‘Etheric Travel’, as they each describe roughly a similar phenomena and are closely related to religious belief systems.  They needed a neutral term to describe this experience and in 1943 the term Out of Body Experience, or ‘OBE’ for short, was created.

Another hurdle they had to jump was addressing similarities it had with a few other particular phenomena which are related to Extrasensory Perception, or ‘ESP’, such as Clairvoyance, Bi-location and Apparitions.  ‘Clairvoyance’ is a psychic phenomena where one can see distant places within the mind with startling accuracy.  ‘Bi-location’ is the incidence or ability to be in two seemingly separate locations at the same time.  ‘Apparitions’ are things or even Ghostly beings that appear out of thin air.  Though not strictly limited to those I have listed here.

After examining the connections it has with already existing phenomena, the task then was to determine if in-fact Conscious in some form could leave the body, or, what physiological or neurological function is to blame for such an experience, or is there one to blame at all?

Because OBEs in some form a prominent part of NDEs, I have decide to focus on them a bit more.

Here are some of the theories put forth by science to explain OBEs and NDEs.


In 1968, the first serious study on OBEs was conducted by Celia Green.  Her aim was to arrange and classify the many types of OBEs people experience as mostly perceptual illusions; although she kept an open mind that some cases may be genuine.

Psychologist and well renowned skeptic Susan Blackmore put forth the theory that Out of Body experiences can be explained.  Leaving room for the possibility that OBEs could be real, Susan likely suspects that the cause of an OBE is when the person loses sensory input from the body while remaining Conscious.  This would put the person in a vivid, Lucid Dream-like state in which the Out of Body Experience would be manufactured by the mind.

Olaf Blanke, director at the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience in Switzerland, demonstrated that the perception of self within the body is dependent on multiple senses collaborating with one another in the temporal-pariental junction in the brain.  If one or more of these sense falter or are fed false information, then an OBE-like experience could emerge.  Blanke also demonstrated this by electrical stimulation.

Michael Persinger, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, also demonstrated that OBE/NDE-like states could be induced, not just with electrical stimulus, but with magnetic fields.  He did so using the ‘God Helmet’; a device created by Stanley Koren to study the effects of ‘complex magnetic fields’ on the temporal lobes of the brain.  This helmet is able to induce all kinds of spiritual experiences, and because of it, many skeptics point to this device as a example of how many of these experience can occur scientifically.  On the other hand though, Persinger has also published papers supporting evidence for a slightly different area of paranormal phenomena, and his work with famous remote viewer, Ingo Swann, and his accuracy with his skill.

If you like, you can watch a video on YouTube about Michael Persinger’s experiments on OBEs, featuring the God Helmet, Here.

Henrik Ehrsson, a Neurologist, demonstrated with a experiment in 2007 how our senses are to blame for our experience of self within our body is not only derived from out senses, but more specifically, our eyes.  The participants sit in a chair wearing a two little video screens over their eyes, one for each eye.  Roughly two feet behind them sit next to each other two video cameras that record the back of the participant.  The camera on the left sends its video to the left eye-piece, and the right camera does the same for the right eye piece, creating a 3D image of the participant from behind.  Someone would then enter within view of the cameras and use rods to touch them on either the chest or back.  Many of the participants noted the feeling of being out of body.

The Pineal Gland located near the center of the brain was also looked at as a possible explanation for both NDEs and OBEs in the 1990s by a Dr. Rick Strassman.  A naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in the Pineal Gland known as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).  DMT can cause vivid hallucinations and severely alter the mood and emotions of the person that it is effecting.  Whether or not DMT is an adequate explanation for NDEs is still up for debate.

Dutch Cardiologist and Scientist, Pim van Lommel was one of the first to do a clinical study of NDE, on those who were resuscitated after cardiac arrest.  Almost 20% of the patients in the study had in fact had a NDE.  Van Lommel concluded that consciousness could exist outside of the body, and the brain merely acted as a receiver for consciousness.  His conclusion came about when patients rendered details of what happened during their cardiac arrest, even though some patients at the time were clinically dead and had flatline brain activity.


Those listed above are the most noted theories on the source and function of the Out of Body Experience Phenomena.  All of the theories listed revolve around the senses, or manipulation of the parts of the brain that are connected to our perception and senses.  Between them they describe areas of the brain that act as highways for the signals our senses pick up, which then collect together and render a mapping of the world around us, and our location in that world.

The last one listed was less about explaining the phenomena, and more about Dr. Van Lommel’s patients and their inexplicable means upon resuscitation of cardiac arrest to remember details about what was going on around them, or elsewhere in the world (Often near-by somewhere) with spectacular detail.  Enough detail that it wasn’t written off as chance or memory.  At least a few of his patients where clinically dead, and had zero brain activity during the time of their NDE.  This would suggest that this experience did Not take place within the mind of the patient, as they would have registered brain activity as their mind created this imaginary world that many of the explanations suggest.

Here is a interview with Dr. Van Lommel about Near-Death Experiences if you would like to watch.

Consciousness Beyond Life

They mention someone seeing during a NDE who was blind since birth, then able to see for a short time during the experience.  I found a short video highlight this woman that I figured I would share.  There is another 5 part documentary featuring her as well as Dr. Van Lommel, where they go a little more about her experience, but I didn’t want to bog down this post with a lot of videos.

NDE - Blind woman sees while OBE


It’s always inspiring to see a scientist acknowledge that there is something more to us, and something beyond the scope of our conventional science and understanding.  I personally have never had a NDE, but I may have had a OBE.  I floated up above my house, and looked down on my neighborhood, and it was all shimmering, almost like it reflected light a little like a metal surface, and almost like it actually emitted light.  It was interesting.

But between recalling details about people, places or things while Out of Body.  Or, being able to see for the first time during a Near-Death Experience.  And in some cases, being able to do these things while no brain activity registered.  It all shouldn’t be possible… but it is.

Perhaps there is a life waiting for us, after death.

Until Next Time I leave you with another lolcats!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Strange Rains

Mysterious things that fall from the Sky

Recently I began reading ‘The Book of the Damned’ by Charles Fort.  So far I have found it to be a very interesting read.  I had previously heard of weird things falling from the sky before, but after only a few chapters in, I found myself blown away.  The shear number of weird and strange things that rain from the sky over these many years was mind boggling.  Rocks, Fish, Frogs, Crabs, Lizards, Corn Husks, Snakes, Alligators, Mana, Candy, Flesh and Blood, to name a few.  This obviously sparked my interest to look into this a little more.

                                                                              Star Jelly

The following is a timeline I put together of some of these Mysterious Rains.  This timeline is by no means complete.  I hope you find it as interesting as I did.

1833 November 13th, Rahway, New Jersey - Had a very mysterious rain occur on the morning of November 13th 1833 that the citizens described as “Raining Fire”.  Upon investigating this strange phenomena, they came across a translucent yellow, jelly-like substance.  Weirder still is later when they went to retrieve some of this jelly, it had seemingly dried into a clump of particles resembling sand.  When touched, it is said to have disintegrated and disappeared.

1851 February 15th, Simpson County North Carolina - Citizens of Simpson County had one of the most disturbing rains of them all.  They had flesh and blood rain on them.  It was only over a small area, but it was also far from the last of it’s kind.

1851 July 24th, San Francisco - In the same year, blood and flesh again fell, this time on Benicia Army Base.  It was believed to be beef, and after some testing was shown evidence of it being tainted by a disease of some kind.

1857 January 17th, Ottawa Illinois - Speaking of Fiery Rains, Cinders or even ash fell upon a farm in Ottawa Illinois.  Though it only landed in a small area, the larger cinders burnt themselves into the ground.

1857 September 11th, Lake County California - The kids in Lake County California had a nice treat befall them as candy rained from the sky on two separate nights.  It is rumored that some of the sweets that fell from the sky where turned into syrup among other treats, and seemed fine to consume.  Whatever is causing these strange phenomena seems to not only have a sense of humor, but a sweet tooth.

1869 August 1st, Los Nietos California - Another rain of blood and flesh showered several acres of a farm in Los Nietos.  The rain only lasted a few minutes and then stopped.  The event was blamed on Buzzards whom might of regurgitated mid-flight.

1870 August, Sacramento California - Thousands of Lizards only a few inches in length rained over a small area in Sacramento California.  They where alive when the hit the ground and houses, and many survived the impact, living for several days after in the water drains.

1876 March 3rd, Bath Kentucky - Flakes of meat fell on Bath Kentucky.  The meat was believed to beef, as it couldn’t be properly identified as any other meat.  These flakes of meat averaged about 3 inches long and wide.  It fell over an area about 45,000 square feet

1877, South California - Several Alligators rained from the sky over a small area in South California.  They, like the lizards, where still alive upon impact and continued to move around.

1877, Memphis Tennessee -  Thousands of snakes about 15 inches in length fell on the southern part of Tennessee.  They again where still alive when they hit the ground.   It was theorized that a hurricane is what lifted and dropped off these snakes, but a lingering and unanswered question remained that put a stupor in the theory, which was how could so many of the same species of snake, collect together, then be lifted and dropped off by a hurricane in a particular location, without other debris tagging along.

1881, Worcester England - A strange storm poured tons of crabs, identified as the Periwinkle Crab upon Worcester in England.  Not much else seems known about this.

1881 October, Milwaukee Wisconsin - An interesting change of pace of strange things that fall happened in Milwaukee.  Long ribbons of what appeared to be spider webs fell in blankets.  Some where as long as 60 feet in length.  There was no mention of seeing spider before, during or after the event.

1886 September 4th, Charleston South Carolina - Stones rained from seemingly no where in the sky on a building in Charleston.  The stones where reportedly warm to the touch, and came down with a lot of force.  This stone rain repeated itself two additional times that day.

1896 November, Baton Rouge Louisiana
- Baton Rouge experienced something that we recently have experienced.  A flurry of dead birds fell from a clear blue sky, cluttering the streets.  There where no discernable reason as to the bird’s deaths, but it was believed a storm drove them inland, in which they where struck by a sudden temperature change that caused the death shortly before plummeting.

1947 October 23rd, Marksville Louisiana - The same year as the famous crash of Roswell, New Mexico, Louisiana had it’s own little crash, of fish.  The conditions in the sky where fair, but not perfect.  Though there were no storms in the sky, there may have been fog at the time.  Fish then suddenly began falling from the sky over 300 meters long and 30 meters wide.  The falling fish also struck many pedestrians on the street.

1950 September 26th, Philadelphia - Two Philadelphia police officers on the night of the 26th spotted what appeared to be a luminous object falling from the sky into an open field in the distance.  Upon investigation, their flashlights illuminated what appeared to be a six foot mass of pulsating, purplish jelly.  Soon two other officers joined them and they tried to move the mass of jelly.  When they tried to lift it, it broke apart in their hands.  A half and hour later, the jelly mass had evaporated and was gone.

1953 September 7th, Leicester Massachusetts - A hailstorm of Frogs and Toads rained from the sky in Leicester.  This swarm of Frogs cluttered the streets and congested the storm drains.

1961 July 12th, Shreveport Louisiana - Green Peaches began raining from a single dark cloud looming in the sky above Shreveport.  The peaches where about the size of golf balls, rained down on some workers on a roof July 12th.  This strange event only lasted a few moments before passing.

1981 May, Nafplion Greece - One morning in May, Nafplion, a city in Southern Greece, awoke to a tiny, yet very large rain.  Little tiny frogs, weighing only a few ounces and native to North Africa, began raining from the sky.  These small frogs seemed unharmed by their fall, and continued hopping around after landing in the streets and some trees.

1994 August 7th, Oakville Washington - The little town of Oakville had a peculiar rain one evening when little drops of jelly-like substance rained from the sky.  After the rain, the townspeople began to fall ill, which lasted for several weeks.  This strange rain occurred at least five more times there, and after some testing on the goo, they found the jelly to be a living substance.

2001 August, Wichita Kansas - Residents of Wichita witnessed Corn Husks falling from the sky.  These sheathes fell in the thousands over east Wichita, and measured about 25 inches long.

2007 April 6th, Argentina - A man from Argentina and his friends decided to take a hike up a mountain for their Easter vacation.  At about 3:00 in the afternoon, the strangest, and probably creepiest thing occurred, it started raining spiders.  The sky had some clouds, but nothing beyond that, other then the spiders.  Several even landed on them as they preceded to hike up the mountain.  This event is widely recognized as one of the hikers managed to take several photos of this freaky rain.

2009, Scotland - Jelly again rained from the sky, this time in Scotland.  The small globs of jelly, dubbed ‘Star Jelly’, where investigated by scientists commissioned by National Geographic.  They have yet to find any DNA in this Jelly, and no adequate explanation as to the Star Jelly’s origins have been accepted yet.  It remains a mystery.

2010 December 31st, Beebe Arkansas - One of the most recent events to occur made it into the media across the country.  Blackbirds, presumably dead, began falling from the sky late New Year’s Eve, 2010.  Thousands of birds fell on houses, in roads and fields of the area.  The cause of this is unknown, but many theories are out there ranging from Fireworks that startled the birds into plummeting to their deaths, to a sudden change in temperature where they were flying which might have caused them to go into shock, and fall to their deaths.  The theories don’t end there, but the mystery remains in the air.

2012 January 26th, Bournemouth United Kingdom - Blue jelly-like spheres fell from the sky, along with a hailstorm on a man's yard. These spheres, about 3 cm in diameter, where near impossible to pick up by hand because of it's sleek coating, and had to be scooped up instead. They were found to be incredibly fragile, yet did not dissolve in water. It was also noted that they did not have a smell to them.

These are far from the only accounts of strange rains that have peaked our curiosity or plagued our imagination.  The more I looked into these rains,  the more I ran into additional events, too many to list here sadly.  But it seems throughout our history, strange, weird or even supernatural things continue to fall right out of the sky at us.

Some of the most popular theories as to how and why these mix of things pour down on us, range from Tornados to Hurricanes, or Volcanoes blowing something away or that they never rained in the first place, they either where there all along and we didn’t notice them, or in the case of animals, they came in on there own, and we assumed they fell from the sky.

The only real issue I have with these theories is in many cases, there is almost always something very specific about what, or how it rains.  Some cases involving animals would rain only a specific species of animal, or family.  Others it was the pin-point accuracy of these rains that was the anomaly, or that in many cases, the animals where unharmed, or even the shear number of animals in the rain.  My favorite is the Jelly, because it is just strange, and it’s origins and substance can’t be identified.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did researching it.

I now leave you with another lolcats!

Till Next Time!


‘The Book of the Damned’ by Charles Fort:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is Exorcism Real?

Demonic and Spirit Possession

We’ve all seen the movies:  The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Last Exorcism, among many others, like BeetleJuice.  It’s a pretty big topic in Hollywood, and people flock to theaters to see these movies.  A new one coming out is The Rite, and a new show coming out I hear is The Exorcist Files, which will be a show that recreates actual Exorcism cases, with the help of the Vatican itself, or so the rumor goes anyways.

The topic of Exorcism here was surprisingly difficult to research.  There wasn’t a lot of information out there to really take from, at least from sources I felt where credible.  I did manage to get some information on it for the most part, but a lot of it is spread out, bits and pieces here and there.  Not surprisingly, when I started looking it up, what I mostly got was listings and information on the movies above.  Beetlejuice surprised me the most as an exorcist movie, I had to stop and remember for a moment, and I was like “Oh yeah, I guess it is…”.

Most of us are subjected to Exorcism through movies, but history is full of Demonic and Spirit Possessions dating back to as far as 1000 B.C.  From Ancient Persia, to Ancient Mesopotamia, to the Ancient Babylonian.  Almost every culture, at one point in time or another, recognizes this phenomena, including, Buddhism, Muslim and Christianity, and each developed their own form of Exorcism to remove unwanted entities from a person.  Each tailoring the ritual or rite to their specific beliefs and culture.

Though Demons are most often credited for possessing someone, Spirits have also been known to do so as well.  Some cultures, such as Shamans, both African and Native American, Balinese Animists and Haitian Voodou Practitioners, voluntarily invoke Spirits for possession,  in order to access knowledge, or information about the future.  Though they do this willingly, they do not do it foolishly, as they understand the risks involved.  Some spirits once in, don’t wish to leave, and others, don‘t need an invitation at all.  This has been found true in many cultures, even the ones that don’t voluntarily invoke spirits, and this is the basis and reason for Exorcism in it’s many forms.

A couple of the more famous cases had movies based on them:

Robbie Mannheim - Is the famous boy who was possessed (or allegedly, as some believe it may have been faked) back in 1949.  A book was published in 1971 titled “The Exorcist”, which would then go on to be a movie with the same title in 1973.

Anneliese Michel - Is the famous girl who was possessed and underwent exorcism starting in 1975, it ended in 1976, when Michel died.  Two movies where roughly based on this event.  The Exorcism of Emily Rose, and Requiem.

These are only two of the more famous cases, mostly because movies where made after them, and now have a fan base.  But there are many more cases of exorcisms.  I was unable to find even a rough number of how many exorcisms are performed each years.  But, from what I’ve found, the number of both exorcisms and exorcists are on the rise, and have been since 1999.

On September 11th, 2000, Pope John Paul II performed an exorcism on an Italian girl who began screaming in St. Peter’s Square.  He apparently was unable to fully cure the girl.  However, this was not his first, nor his last.  In 1982 his first exorcism was performed on a woman who was stricken with pain from the exorcism, and his last was in 2001, on a 20 year old girl.

But Pope John Paul II, nor any other Pope, is the most famous exorcist known, in fact it’s Jesus Christ (was it really that surprising?), the bible has more then 20 references of him casting out spirits or demons from people.

Speaking of the bible, according to it, there are 3 types of Possession.

Oppression - Demonic influence (I’m assuming) puts pressure on someone, preventing them from doing things by creating hindrances and blocks.

Obsession - Creating trouble in the mind.  The person becomes infatuated with an idea, desire or emotion, so much so that the mind can not be taken away from it.

Possession - The Demon (Or Spirit) takes total control of the person.

According to the types of possession above, I have 2 out of the 3, and that scares me a little…

Some of the Symptoms said to be attributed to Possession are:

Convulsions; Seizures; Changes in personality; Lewd or Obscene behavior; Swollen Stomach; Rapid Weight Loss; Strange changes in the Voice; Horrible Smells emanating from the person; Sexual Thoughts; Speaking in a different Language; Having Knowledge of the Future; Superhuman Strength; Levitation.

So if you’re an under-weight, multi-lingual, psychic male, with epilepsy and gas problems, you may be in some serious trouble.  Oh and you may be possessed….

Looking at it from the medical perspective, Sexual thoughts would indicate most men are possessed.  Swollen Stomach might be due to Malnutrition.  Lewd or Obscene behavior could be caused by many Mental disorders.  Personality changes could by caused by Hysteria or Schizophrenia.  Seizures and Convulsions as stated might be Epilepsy.  Speaking in a different Language could be Glossolalia.  Knowledge of the Future could be Clairvoyance, and I would hold on to that one…. And go to a Casino.

A couple of my favorite theories though are.  Multiple Personality Disorder; Altered States of Consciousness; and Personality Thought Forms derived from the Subconscious mind to express itself much in the same way of Poltergeist Activity.  But these are only theories.

It would seem that Medical Science has all but completely mopped up the theory of Possession.  But, in light of the medical discoveries that share many of the symptoms of a demonic possession, the Catholic Church has taken the precaution of medically examining potential patients in order to determine if the person is actually possessed, or if it’s just an untreated medical condition.  But, even with the screening in place, the Church still performs exorcisms.  That says that some are believed to be actually possessed.

So, if it is just some Medical Conditions, how come both Exorcist and Exorcisms are on the rise?  I do believe in many things dealing with the supernatural or paranormal.  I may have taken the stance of a Skeptic here, but after reading what I read in order to research it, some good questions have been raised, on both sides of the topic.  If nothing else, I’m open to the possibility.

Believers of the Phenomena however are not convinced by the explanations provided by the medical community.  Claiming that many of the explanations don’t actually fit, or the odds of having all of these conditions in a single person is too large.  Some even say you have to be there, or experience it to believe it (Which I don’t think was a suggestion).

I guess I’ll let anyone who reads this decide.

Oh and here’s a video I found on it.  Oddly enough there weren’t a lot of videos on Exorcism, at least not many that didn’t cost money.

Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Ok, that’s all I got for now.  But here’s some lolcats again!

Hope you enjoyed!

Till next time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Drawbacks to Cancer Cure

Are there repercussions for Curing yourself of Cancer?

Long ago, in the not-so-distant past, I wrote a post about some of the possible Cures for Cancer, and an alleged Conspiracy to cover it up, for profit.  Did I believe in these cures?  For the most part, I did, and still do.  But I didn’t necessarily promote them.  My blog here is mostly a collection of things I find, interesting, and also to bring awareness to those who read it on some of the things that are out there, that maybe not everyone knows about.

It’s not hard to believe that we, as a people, are smart enough now to discover a Cure for Cancer, or if nothing else, a better form of treatment for it.  It’s unfortunately also not hard to believe, that there are some people out there that would hide and cover up such treatments or cures, for profit.  One of the reasons I didn’t promote, or suggest any of these treatments or cures, is the first video here that was brought to my attention.

If you watched the video, he used the cur… uh, I mean… treatment that I mentioned on my previous post.  The most important thing to take from this is, he said it was working.  Though it is only his word, and I would like to note that.  But, including him, it seems the amount of evidence, and people claiming some of these treatments work, is growing larger. 

Claiming it’s a Cure apparently is bad, if, and only if, it’s ‘Not’ actually a cure.  I won’t go into saying, “See, they arrested him to cover it up!”, which may be true on some small level, but, they also did so by the book.  Slapped an injunction on him to stop him from selling the products.  He could of left well-enough alone.  He made some money, and he could continue selling the information, and people could have got their own Apricots or kernels I’m sure, but he didn’t.  Instead he deferred the products to be sold by his Grandma?  Now, this may be just me, but I wouldn’t want to get my Grandma involved in any of this.  On top of that, apparently he created a fake business, so he himself could continue selling the products himself?  And was caught red handed with 250 years worth of it?

Last I will say is, he was given the opportunity to stop before things went too far, but I guess he decided the money was worth it.  Now, I wont say I know everything about this guy, or his situation.  So, who knows, maybe if we heard the full story, some of these things would make more sense.  Also again, the Apricots seeds were working, so at least some information on a potential cure for cancer made it to the air, and maybe we can get some more information on its effectiveness.

Here is a video of another Cancer Treatment that still looks to be in the works, and will likely be a bit more acceptable to the mainstream medical community.

Doesn’t seem all that different from the Bob Beck Protocol (The Zapper) I mentioned in the previous post.  Interesting nonetheless.  Maybe science is taking what’s already been made, and remaking it, so they can officially release a treatment.  If so, it’s probably because to many people are getting too close to the truth, and are asking questions and testing these ‘treatments’ themselves and finding pleasant results. 

The next video lists a few more natural cures.  I found it pretty pleasant to watch as well as informative, so I decided to list it.  I haven’t looked into any of the other ‘remedies’ listed in the video, so, just a heads up, I’m not sure if they work.  If they do, then it would be interesting to know so many cures are right around us all the time.

Interesting, isn’t it?  And I’m sure there are more then this as well!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Till next time, I leave you with more lolcats!

Look closely…

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ancient Wisdom

Inventions of the Ancient World

This is mostly a continuation of one of my older posts, Building a better Neanderthal.  The point I was trying to make in that post was, ancient man wasn’t as much of an idiot as people often think.  More recently I have stumbled upon a few documentaries about ancient inventions that I somehow managed to miss previously.  I always planned to expand upon that post a bit more, and now with these documentaries, I feel the opportunity has presented itself.

These shows where brought to my attention by I site a frequent.  The videos are so closely related, as well as help elaborate further on the purpose of my previous post, I couldn’t help but add them.  There are two, shows, each an hour long, and segmented into five parts each.  It’s a bit lengthy, but it is worth the watch.  Many of the things featured in them are so profound, it took me by surprise.  To this day, we aren’t even sure how they accomplished some of the feats and inventions shown within.  So, I hope you enjoy.

Ancient Robots

As you can see, even besides the pyramids and other megalithic structures ancient man built, they weren’t limited to just stone carving and placement.  In a sense, after watching the videos above, it becomes quite apparent that life back then wasn’t all that different from life today.  It turns out we are startlingly similar to our ancient ancestors

Machines of the Gods

Though most of the inventions where used for religious purposes, they are still brilliantly designed, masterfully crafted and thought out.  When you look at how they where able create these inventions, it’s not as much of a wonder to consider they also made the megalithic structures such as the Pyramids, or Stonehenge.

From the big to the small, they could make it all.  The story of our past slowly comes together into view.

I hope you enjoyed.

I leave you, as always with some lolcats to remind you always laugh, and have fun.

Till next time.