Over the weekend, I ran into a three-part video that just about made my jaw hit the floor. The videos are about Religion. Specifically the similarities between Ancient Egyptians and Christianity. It put a lot of things into perspective for me, and did well in explaining how the Bible got it’s stories. I doubt many Christians will find the videos enjoyable, but I’m not exactly Christian, so…
Anyways, I couldn’t help posting it. It’s roughly 30 minutes long altogether, but it’s well worth the watch.
(Note: Click play and then pause it and leave it, so the videos can buffer while you watch the first. I had a few problems on the third part buffering to slowly, so doing so may eliminate that problem for you by the time you get to it.)
Did your jaw hit the floor? Mine did, I thought it was very tastefully done, and fantastic to be honest. A lot of good information presented in a smooth, easy to understand manner, and gave both insight into how Ancient Man and Civilizations used Metaphors to explain the natural phenomena of the universe.
I figure there are 3 ways to look at these videos.
1.) The videos are a lie and is there to mislead us. Some form of disinformation.
2.) It proves that the Bible is a lie, and a fake, it being just a mere copy of other religions.
3.) It shows our religious beliefs haven’t changed much since Ancient Times. Showing that although the characters may change, the story stays the same.
For me, it’s number 3. It doesn’t necessarily disprove the Bible to me. It just kind of shows how religion transits from one age to another, adopting characteristics of that time to best tell the same story.
It also shows that most, if not all religious beliefs as closely related. With it, it should become more apparent that scolding someone for their beliefs is sheer hypocrisy, the differences being only in titles and minute details, as they likely share far more in common in that area then they may realize.
Also, it shows that aggression due to differences in religion, is primarily due to ignorance. Sadly, many people don’t try to educate themselves anymore. They feel as if everything they have learned or experienced is set in stone, and feel as if there is no need to look any further.
Good news is, there does seem to be a large number of people beginning to re-look at the world with a more open mind, and a willingness to change their beliefs if needed. This number is growing everyday.
Everyone’s heard of Ghosts. Many even believe they have had a Ghostly encounter of some kind in their life. A temperature change, a sudden feeling of unease, a light touch or breathing on the back of your neck. A sense of another presence in the room, just staring at you, as if it had intentions for you, intentions you aren’t quite sure of, but something you're sure, you wouldn’t like. Shadows moving in your peripheral vision. Strange noises like foot steps or voices coming from places when you know no one is there.
In the darkness, from the shadows, they watch you, planning new ways, to hide your favorite bunny slippers. Devious and mischievous beings, their only purpose seems to be, to annoy the living crap out of you… Or scare the living crap out of you, which ever one comes first...
Bad/Failed jokes aside, the Phenomena attributed to Ghosts is a very real phenomena. Though science, and it’s predictability can’t rest until it has abolished such things from the world, it has come up with several possibilities to challenge Ghosts and the activity closely associated with them.
I personally believe in Ghosts, but I also believe that some phenomena aren’t Ghost related. I find myself at a crossroads when it comes to Ghosts. I have had things happen to me that I can’t explain, but maybe the videos listed below can. First I will share a few of my tales.
Some basics things, I stay up fairly late at night, sometimes (Most the time) I play my video game. It’s the only time of day I get a chance to. There is usually only one light on, and it’s just behind and above me. At night, I will begin to see shadows on the wall, almost always in the same spot to my right. Or things moving always to my right, and as I look over to see what it causing the shadow or movement, it stops or goes away. When this started happening, I didn’t attribute it to Ghosts, and I still don’t. To me, it is the unfocusing of my eyes, specifically my peripheral vision that turns a light shadow, into a darker one, which makes it look like weird shadows on the wall.
Doesn’t sound spooky, does it? Because it’s not. Infact I’m pretty certain it’s not a Ghost, and if it is, it’s lame, and needs a better bag of tricks. This is sort of my control of sorts. Now, back up in time a little and we come to my old home, bout 5-6 years ago. At that time, I was sleeping in the basement (I don’t want to hear any jokes) because no one else wanted to. The basement was unfinished at the time, and we had a washing machine and dryer, a hot water tank, the furnace, and an old, kind of creepy desk that the original owners left behind, and no one seemed to toss out.
To cut to the chase, things happened down there. Every person in my family, including all my friends, had experiences in that house. Most of which was localized down stairs and at night, when I was trying to sleep, hence the annoying or scaring the crap out of you comment above. The lightest of activity would just be weird or incoherent noises that I usually attributed to the furnace or hot water tank, or something else down there. The less frequent, but a little more creepy experience was when I started to hear little girls giggling down there, just on the other side of my wall. It wasn’t always distinct, and I kept wondering if it was just in my head, so I let it go.
It began to get more intense. It came to a point where it would take most of the night just to fall asleep, as this figure, which I could see in my mind very clearly, came into my room, fists clenched, breathing heavily and just staring at me from the corner of my bed. I could draw this guy perfectly the image was so clear. His presence was clearly felt, and his intentions felt far less then peaceful, like he wanted to do physical harm to me or something. He scared the crap out of me. I actually had to sleep with a nightlight for a while because of how frequently I checked to see if something was there. It was a very disturbing feeling.
Some nights (Very few) nothing would happen, and I could fall asleep with no problems, but he was most of the time there. This persisted for the better part of a year before I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to move upstairs to the couch. Eventually I managed to trick my sister into trading rooms with me, hers which was upstairs from mine which was downstairs. My conscious got the better of me and I ended up telling her its creepy down there, to which she replied, “I don’t care”. Anyways we switched rooms, and since then I didn’t have another experience. Except one time upstairs. Same guy, just for one night, sitting at the end of my bed, huffing and puffing for the little piggy with the new upstairs room.
After that though, it was over, and my sister started talking about her experiences. Besides the basic creepiness, some of my friends had some alarming experiences. One of my friends would frequently come over to play video games with me, since he didn’t own the game. One night he stayed over and up late playing. He said that when he was playing, he saw a shadow form to his left, right in front of the front door, when he looked over he could see this transparent old man, kind of tall and skinny. The reason why this story is so interesting, is because on occasion, my family and I all saw this old man (He seemed nice and didn’t cause any trouble, except for when loud music was playing, but I’ll get to that).
We began to get curious and looked into the house’s previous owners a little and found the man who first owned (Or maybe built, can’t remember) the house, fit the description of my friend. He said he only saw it for a moment before it faded away. Another experience one of friends had (Different friend) was when my bedroom was downstairs, and me and my friend where down there talking, and I had to go to the bathroom. The bathrooms upstairs, so I headed up. I went and did my duty, and as I came down, I noticed the light was off. I figured he was going to try and scare me, but as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs, I heard him get up and quickly switch on the light. When I looked at him, he had a bewildered face, so I asked “What’s wrong?”.
He proceeded to tell me that when I was in the bathroom, the light switch flipped off. He said he thought it was me trying to play a joke on him until he saw me coming down the stairs, at which point he got up and quickly turned on the light. When I asked him about the light switch, he said he thought it was me because he distinctly heard the light switch flip off. I was actually kind of jealous, it was my room after all, why couldn’t that have happened to me!
The last one belongs to my sister. After I tricked her into moving downstairs, she, after her own experiences, moved back upstairs and into the living room. She would frequently listen to music far to loud (And still does, thankfully she doesn’t live with me anymore). One day she began to complain about us touching her stereo, as every time she would turn it on, the volume would be to low to hear anything. We told her it wasn’t us, (And it wasn’t), but she didn’t believe us until one day she came flying out of her room screaming and babbling about her volume.
Once we calmed her down, she proceeded to explain that while she was listening, the volume turned down all by itself. I didn’t really think much of it, I mean, if the power goes out inexplicably, I don’t chalk it up to Ghosts. I figured it was just some weird occurrence, and we reassured her it was nothing to worry about. A few more days passed and she came running back all a sudden, panicked, like she saw a spider… or a ghost, and said, she actually witnessed the dial on her stereo turn down. She said it moved all by itself. I sort of chuckled and thought it was my fault. After a while we began to tease her saying it was the Ghost in the house turning her music down because he didn’t like it.
We never could really tell if it turned down by itself or if she did, as we generally weren’t around to verify it. Except one time when I was in the kitchen, which was right next to the living room she was staying in. I started to hear the volume change so I turned around thinking “Finally, she turned it down”, (It was loud and annoying). But, she wasn’t touching it. I literally listened to the volume turn down as she just sat there looking at me. I was a little shocked at what just happened. All she said was “See!”, and I replied “Well, I guess you were right”. It wasn’t creepy or anything, it was actually more cool then scary.
Ghosts don’t generally scare me. To me their often not trying to be scary though, except that one douche-bag Ghost, if it was a Ghost. Hell, we get our family and friends together on Halloween night and sneak into graveyards just for things like that to happen. Nothing ever happens in a graveyard though, and I always think to myself, ‘Oh yeah sure! On the one night of the year when it matters, you all get tired and don’t do anything… Lazy-ass Ghosts’.
Moving along, finally. Yes folks, it’s going to be a long post. Grab your favorite bunny slippers and settle in, if Ghosts haven’t hidden them from you, we still have videos to watch!
Many of the experiences in my stories above could likely be explained scientifically. It may be true that other natural phenomena can cause many of the same experiences that occurred. But just because there are natural forces in the world that can do the same thing, doesn’t mean all the phenomena related to Ghosts are therefore not real. We as people replicate a lot of natural forces in the world, so, why couldn’t Ghosts?
Try to keep that in mind when watching these videos.
I kind of thought the story about the faces at the end was a very heartwarming.
The videos above are from a scientific viewpoint, in an attempt to explain away Ghosts. I personally believe it is important to know what other things could cause Ghostly Phenomena so I don’t misdiagnose an event. Based on some of their theories, many circumstances in my stories lost somewhere far above could be explained by one or more of their explanations. Magnetic Fields, Infrasound or Darkness and Imagination. We did have electronics in the house, often going, and all appliances give off an electromagnetic field, so maybe that’s the cause? We did have a ceiling fan in the house, maybe Infrasound? It was often dark downstairs and I was known for having a wild imagination, possibly one or more of these?
Maybe… But then again, the electromagnetic fields that come off of appliances are very small, and usually don’t have enough impact on a person to influence them one way or another. Infrasound may be coming from the fan, but we usually had it off since it wasn’t bolted well to the ceiling and would shake and wobble pretty violently, so when we had it on, it was on low. Darkness and imagination on the other hand, may explain the huffin and puffin, wanna-be, big bad wolf guy. But nevertheless, the experience did feel very real, so I guess it may never be known for sure.
But there are things that these explanations can’t explain…
Magnetic Field? Infrasound? Darkness and Imagination? These explanations don’t explain objects moving, at least to this degree.
Poltergeist means “Noisy or Restless Spirit”. Often moving things around or causing disturbances to express it’s presence. Some can get fairly violent though. Besides the common, dishes flying around, or things being knocked over, strange noises and electronic malfunctions, there are other things they can do. Scratches are one of them, or being pulled or jerked in different directions, or other bodily harm.
To me the evidence stacks in favor of Ghosts being real. When you take everything as listed here, and probably more elsewhere, you get much of these phenomena in a Ghost, whereas you need several separate explanations to explain each occurrence of the same phenomena with science, with some of the phenomena still unexplained. So when you look at places where Ghost activity seems to be high, and many different seemingly supernatural events occur in the same place, then I got to ask myself, if it’s a bunch of different scientifically explainable circumstances, which all managed to be present and in effect at a given time? Or is it a single, possibly supernatural presence which is known to produce the same phenomena, but can’t quite be explained?
Ultimately the choice is yours. This is just my opinion.
In the end, I will say I’m pretty sure, some, if not most of the phenomena attributed to Ghosts can be summed up to people scaring themselves. I even scared myself a few times while writing this post, and I felt like a complete idiot. But, there are some things that do happen in this world that I feel are no less then supernatural phenomena, and can’t be easily explained away.
I can probably list a lot more videos and add a few cases to this post, but I think this post is a bit long, and I may have repeated myself a few times where it wasn’t needed.
Rate and comment if you like, you're always welcome to.
Until next time, I leave you with another picture!
Everyone has heard of spontaneous human combustion or SHC for short. "The Burning of a living body without an apparent source of Ignition". Well, that's because they didn't find the Match!
Kids, don't light your farts...
There are over 200 recognized cases dealing with SHC. We as people inherently try to explain everything. If something can't be explained, we hide or deny it. Some of the Possible explanations for SHC are...
Unverified natural phenomena
* Since every human body contains varying strengths of electrical field and the human body also contains flammable gases (mainly methane in the intestines), an electrical discharge could ignite these gases.
* SHC victims are sometimes described as lonely people who fall into a trance immediately before their incineration. Heymer suggests that a psychosomatic process in such emotionally-distressed people can trigger off a chain reaction by reacting nitrogen within the body and setting off a chain reaction of mitochondrial explosions. This theory has been criticized on the basis that Heymer "seems to be under the illusion that nitrogen exist as gases in the blood and are thus vulnerable to ignition, which is, in fact, not the case." (Mitochondria are organelles found within cells.) The theory also fails to take into account the fact that nitrogen is an inert, non-flammable gas.
* Another theory suggests high-energy particles or gamma rays coupled with susceptibilities in the potential victim (e.g. increased alcohol in the blood) triggers the initial reaction. This process may use no external oxygen to spread throughout the body, since it may not be an oxidation-reduction reaction. However, no reaction mechanism has been proposed, nor has a source for the high-energy particles.
* The victim is an alcoholic and has been smoking while drinking or shortly after drinking a strong spirit. There are claims that this raises the blood alcohol level to a point where it ignites; however, this theory is implausible, since ethanol typically burns only if the concentration is greater than about 23%, whereas a fatally toxic level is about 1%. However, this does introduce the probability that the victim will fall asleep while holding a lit cigarette.
* A suggested possibility is that both clothing and the person are caused to burn by a discharge of static electricity. A person walking across a carpet can build up sufficient charge and voltage to create a spark. It is unlikely that this could start a clothing fire, as although the voltage can be high (several thousand volts), the stored energy is very low (typically less than a joule).
* The controversial phenomenon of ball lightning has also been proposed as one of the causes of spontaneous combustion.
Natural explanations
* Cigarettes are often implicated as the source of ignition. Usually, the victim is alone at the time of death, and it is thought that natural causes such as heart attacks may lead to the victim dying, subsequently dropping the cigarette. Embers from cigarettes and pipes may also ignite clothes. Additionally, cigarettes smoulder at a temperature too low to trigger a flare up of most otherwise combustible materials. Typically if a person drops a lit cigarette on an article of clothing, it will create a burn-hole, but not ignite into an open flame and spread.
* The "wick effect" hypothesis suggests that a small external flame source, such as a burning cigarette, chars the clothing of the victim at a location, splitting the skin and releasing subcutaneous fat, which is in turn absorbed into the burned clothing, acting as a wick. This combustion can continue for as long as the fuel is available. This hypothesis has been successfully tested with animal tissue (pig) and is consistent with evidence recovered from cases of human combustion.
* Scalding can cause burn-like injuries, including death, without setting fire to clothing. Although not applicable in cases where the body is charred and burnt, this has been suggested as a cause in at least one claimed SHC-like event.
As you can see, so many people have stepped up with so many explanations to try and take it from "Supernatural" to "Nothing but Science, People!". Why do we feel so compelled to strike the Magical and Unknown from the world? For me it makes the world far more fun when it's Mysterious.
The explanations above sound logical. Some sound fitting. But there are some things involved with at least some of the cases of SHC that don't exactly line up with the theories above...
As you can see from the videos, the theories listed above from Wikipedia, are nothing more then theories. Certain details about SHC stand out from these theories as mentioned in the videos, such as: The time frames of each Incineration, the degree of Incineration, the source and ignition seems at best guessed at.
In my opinion, there is more to the phenomena of Spontaneous Human Combustion, then can be explained away. But that is just my opinion...
What do you think?
Anywho... until next time.
For now, I leave you with another lolcat's picture... their so funny, and cute!