
These are some of the posts I have done on conspiracies, cover-ups, manipulation or information that should reach the general public. They are topics of things that caught my eye, thought was interesting and decided to research a little bit. I tried to present my findings in each respective post.

I hope these posts get you to think and consider the possibilities, but I can settle for them just being entertainment value. I personally believe there is validity to them, but then again, of course I do, I wrote them!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! More will be added soon!

Alien Infested History -
Have aliens been around since the dawn of man? How much of a role have they played in our evolution?

Building a Better Neanderthal -
Ancient man (not necessarily Neanderthals) have been generally portrayed as idiots. The hunched-over knuckle dragger that clubs it's food may have been a bit smarter then we think.

Evolution of Religion -
Christianity is one of the most popular and powerful religions in the world. The Bible, being it's cornerstone, may have broken one of it's own commandments to get there. "Thou shall not steal stories from other religions!".

Subliminal Messages -
They're everywhere! Hidden in your favorite movies! Embedded into your favorite shows! Littering your children's favorite cartoons! But then the question is, how much are they influencing you?!

Disinformation vs. Misinformation -
There are three kinds of information in this world. Sometimes it is hard to tell which kind of information you are getting, and if it can be trusted...

Suppressed Cures for HIV, AIDS and Cancer -
What if there was a cure, and what if it was suppressed from the public? What if I were to tell you that there is more then one? And they're all being suppressed...

Chemtrails and Contrails -
There has been a debate raging over the legitimacy of something called chemtrails. It is the long white trails left in the sky for hours after the plane has passed. The question is, do chemtrails actually exist, and if so, for what purpose?

Ancient Wisdom -
A series of videos that illustrates the creative ingenuity, and sheer brilliance some of the ancient people knew about.

Drawbacks to Cancer Cure -
How trying to go public and market a cure for cancer can be very bad for your business, and maybe even your freedom.

FDA Fights a Cancer Cure -
Man discovers and patents a potential cure for cancer, with promising results. Then the FDA goes on a manhunt to shut him down, and using every underhanded tactic at their disposal to do it.

THRIVE - The Movie -
Documentary on Free Energy and the conspiracy to cover it up.  Covers a number of other conspiracies that are tied to it.  Full movie.

The Discovery of Life Energy -
A man name Wilhelm Reich discovers an energy that would revolutionize science and medicine.  That was, at least, before the FDA got involved.