There are three kinds of information in this world, Disinformation, Misinformation and Truth. Everything you learn, falls under one of these three categories. The News, media, talk shows, magazines, gossip, articles, books, word of mouth, even your school teachers. These are all primary places you can get information from. They are all also capable of being deceptive, misleading, misguided, honest and factual. But, how do you know which one it falls under?
I started thinking about this during my last post on Subliminal Messages. I presented some evidence to suggest it, but I’m no expert in this field. Like everyone, I look to those who seem to have answers in order for me to have the answers as well. I go read articles, and visit websites and watch videos and talk to people. I try to spread my research abroad so I can gain as much information as I can about a subject. But, Subliminal Messages was a tricky one, how can you tell which are actual hidden messages, and which are just coincidence. Some of them are obvious enough to know for certain these hidden influences are going on, but some seemed quite stretched. Like the words “Sex” spelt out with hair, or something else. I couldn’t help but wonder, if this person makes it his business to find such hidden messages, then isn’t it possible, that they may dig so deep, they find things that aren’t actually there?
In one of the videos in my last post, at the end, he did admit some could be coincidence, but the question still got me thinking. This blog deals with many Paranormal and Supernatural subjects, and even Conspiracies. Many of which have not been accepted by science, and many questions are left in the air unanswered. This is apart of its appeal to me, but at the same time, this worries me a little…
Disinformation is the deliberate act of giving false information, and to lie about something. I know I will never deliberately lie about anything on this blog. I’m after the truth, and I know, so are you. But, I am worried a little about misinformation.
Misinformation is the unknowing act of giving false information. Every post I have done about a subject, has several possible explanations. Ranging from Supernatural and Paranormal explanations, to possible scientific explanations. I will do my best to provide the best and most accurate information I can, but even after that, it is still possible my information could be misinformation. I don’t want to scare people away, I definitely don’t want that, but it is a possibility. In truth, this possibility exists on every site, and every source of information you go to. So, how do you defend yourself against Disinformation and Misinformation? Well, with Truth.
Truth is not fool-proof unfortunately, it is subjective. But the best way to obtain truth is through experience. You need to personally research a subject you take interest in. Make it broad, spread it out and around, this will give you a much more wide gaze into what your researching, and allow for more information to be taken in. But, as pointed out above, the information you are getting could be misinformation, or worse disinformation. This is true, but there is a sequel to research, you also need to “Test” it. If it’s a subject you can test, personally test it. This will quickly weed out the crap and misinformation involved. This is not to say to test everything. Don’t try to explode into flame to test Spontaneous Human Combustion, that would probably end very badly for you, so I won‘t recommend it. So, if you can test it, try and test it. But if it’s a subject like Spontaneous Human Combustion, and you cant test it, there is one more thing you can do, but it’s less concrete. Form an Opinion…
If you can’t test it, you can still likely research it. If you research it thoroughly, you can find details, and repeating patterns, and other things that may stick out to help you learn more about it. Once you have gathered enough on it, and feel comfortable, go ahead and test it, and give it the benefit of the doubt, who knows, you may be surprised at what you find. But if you can’t, you can always form an ‘Opinion‘. Opinions can ‘NOT’ be wrong. It’s when they’re declared as ‘FACT’ that they can be wrong. On most subjects in this blog, I try and give my opinion on the matter, I will show some videos and sources that helped me make up my opinion, and they themselves could be misinformation. But, I sort of treat each subject like a case, in which I present the case and my opinion, maybe some other sources to show some of how I came to that opinion, and then encourage you to form one of your own.
I also want to spread awareness of these abnormal phenomena going on in this world, as they really are going on. But we don’t know how, or why, so I try and spread the word a bit, and get people to take more of an interest in the Paranormal and Supernatural and even Conspiracies, so we can answer some of these puzzling questions, whether it be a Scientific answer or Paranormal one. The reason I include Conspiracies here is, there are a lot of conspiracies that raise some good questions, and through some reading, I am beginning to wonder if the government, or some organization does hold many answers to a lot of these questions and just isn’t sharing.
I also know they have used Disinformation tactics before, and still do to this day. I am constantly plagued with the question, ‘What do they know, that I should’…
I love this guys video series. They’re quick, and fun to watch.
Anyways, I think that is it for this post.