Dr. Robert Beck
Doctors and scientists are working hard at finding cures to diseases in which cures, already exist. Dr. Bob Beck discovered a patent of a blood purifier using alternating micro-electrical currents, nicknamed “The Zapper”.
Laetrile, also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17, is believed to cure cancer. Laetrile is most commonly found in Apricot pits. But, Laetrile is also very dangerous if used improperly.
These are just 2 of the ways to cure Cancer, HIV or AIDS. Yet we don’t see the doctors prescribing them… but why? And why are these methods made out to sound so ludicrous and insane?…
I once had the privilege to watch a video by Dr. Bob Beck. He spoke of a cure for HIV, AIDS and a whole assortment of diseases and illnesses. At the time, I had only just got into the realm of conspiracies. I, like many others, began to feel as if there was something wrong with the world we live in. I got curious and began to look further into the ideas of Shadow Governments and Depopulation Theories, Methods of Mass Control and Mass Suppression of Valuable Information, etc.
I always tip-toed along the border, checking out all the stories, reading or watching them present their findings. It wasn’t until I ran into a few pieces of work, that I started to take these ideas a little more seriously. Dr. Bob Beck’s video was one of them, and in it, he describes a device created, patented and suppressed for almost 20 years now, that is believed to be able to cure full list of diseases and illnesses. I haven’t had the honor to test the device personally, but I do have an interesting story to share after the video.
The video is kind of old, and is 2 hours, but is well worth the watch, and I highly suggest it. He does show the Zapper, as well as explains how it works, and why it was suppressed.
And here is a link to the Alternating Current patent.
The video was a little boring, I couldn’t help nodding off a few times. But the fact that such a thing exists and is claimed to able to cure diseases that are most ailing our society. Instead of it being released, they suppressed it, for greed. There are tons of things like this that where suppressed that could have drastically changed our society for the better. Water, electric and solar cars are a great example. We’ve seen it done a lot in just about every area of our lives.
As for my little story, it relates to the Zapper. There is a little product that was out a little while ago called, “The Stimulator”. It uses small electrical shocks to alleviate pain. It’s handheld and portable, and fairly convenient. I didn’t actually get to test this device personally, but, someone whom I trust very much has, and she says it works, my Mom. My Mom works very hard at a stressful job, and got the chance to try it out, not knowing what it was, after one of her co-workers brought it in one day. She has Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel and more, but she didn’t test it on the others.
When she used it, she said it almost immediately relieved the pain. When I heard about it, it reminded me of the Zapper. I thought the it was somewhat similar and was worth noting. Before I wrote this post, I did a quick search on it, to try and get a few more details on it. What I found was site after site calling it a pack of lies and quackery. Normally I would take skepticism under consideration, as I don’t like being fooled. But, my Mom having personally tested it, among her co-workers, and said it works, contradicted what the sites where saying. Except one thing that I read, which claimed (according to the site), the device relieved pain permanently. My Mom said it worked great for a few hours before it wore off, but besides that, it worked about as described.
Many of the sites bashing it, didn’t even claim to have tested the device. One site even based it off a single testimonial which made it sound like a joke. When I read it, I couldn’t help but think it was forged. The Blood Cleaner in the video above by Bob Beck is I’m sure on several sites receiving the same treatment. “It doesn’t work and he’s a Loony”, yet he didn’t seem that way to me.
Researching Bob Beck eventually led me to other potential cures. Laetrile was one of them that caught my eye, so I began to look into it a little. Laetrile, as mentioned above, is also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17, is mostly found inside the pit of an Apricot. Inside the pit are these kernels, rich with Laetrile, which you eat. Somewhere between 16 and 40 kernels a day, throughout the day.
Looking into Laetrile led me to even more cures, and one particular site that seems to have them all.
Cancer Tutor
This site pretty much has it all. From all kinds of information on cancer itself, to the different cures, proper instructions, tips, warnings, as well as why and how this information is suppressed and the conspiracies involving the Medical and Pharmaceutical companies.
I wont suggest anyone try these methods. At least not off just the information here. If you would like to try any alternative treatment, know that you do so at your own risk, so do research thoroughly, and be very careful. I wish you the best of luck.
Well, until the next conspiracy, or post, I leave you with another lolcats…
Remember, you can always smile and laugh...
Repercussions for a Cure?
Also, here is an article I wrote for HIV/Aids
Alternative Treatments for HIV/Aids