The law of attraction is the proposed effect of the mind’s thoughts influencing the flow of events in your environment. Though scientifically unproven, it suggests that what you think, and how you feel, ultimately impacts what happens to you. It is through the understanding and conscious use of this law, that brings about or manifests positive change in your life, in accordance with what you wish. Like attracts like, and therefore one becomes mentally and emotionally what they wish to be, in order for it to become a reality.
In order to understand how exactly to apply this Law effectively, one must understand some of the basic components involved, and how you are using them right now, and may not know. The first thing to understand is that your mind is not separate from your environment. Though it may seem as if a thought is very personal, and what happens inside your head, stays inside your head; the truth is actually all around you.
Thought, like everything else in the universe, is energy. The energy generated by you thinking, passes out into your environment, and begins affecting other energy there. The qualities of the energy that is sent out, begins to create changes in your environment in accordance with the qualities of your thought. This is why the Law of Attraction promotes happiness, as any positive thought coupled with a positive emotion, will help manifest a positive result.
Negative thoughts and negative emotions, through the Law of Attraction help manifest negative results, or as likely, no result. Positive thoughts and emotions are promoting, while negative thoughts and emotions are absorbent and draining. This could account for why a lot of people try out the law of Attraction only to be returned with either something bad, or nothing at all.
If you have by chance seen an anime called, ‘Full Metal Alchemist’, you may better understand why this may occur. In the show, the characters use a power called Alchemy, and this power is limited by a law of equivalent exchange. This law (in the show) states that you cannot gain anything without first giving up something of equal value in return. Though it is from an animated television show, it does well to sum up people’s beliefs on what they deserve.
Since we were children, sayings like, “Work hard and you may get somewhere some day”, and “There’s nothing in life worth having that comes easy” or even, “There’s no such thing as a free meal”, etc. I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand of these, and they all paint the same picture. You must suffer for your reward. This is also why, if something good happens to you, or if your day starts out pretty good, that sometimes it will begin to take a turn for the worst. “Too good to be true” may come to mind.
That’s because we hold the ‘equivalent exchange’ belief, and since our mind’s are not separate from our environment, it get’s changed or taken away because we believe we don’t deserve it. There is something called, “The Curse of the Lottery Winners” in which bad luck, or worse, befalls the lottery winners. Bad things can range anywhere from receiving a cut that gets horribly infected, to your marriage falling apart or a loved one can become severely troubled, to even close family members or even the winner themselves, dying.
Most people in poverty get used to such a life, and in many cases, that is all they have ever known. Having worked hard all their life, scraped the bottom of the barrel just to have what little they own; it’s sometimes difficult to change your way of thinking. If suddenly they were given a large sum of money, large enough to take care of all of their financial troubles for the rest of their lives, and then some. It’s not hard to see when the law of attraction comes into play, why bad luck befalls these people. It’s because on a conscious, or subconscious level, they don’t believe they deserve it. Which is sad, because they do.
This also illustrates to some degree why wealth won’t make you happy. At least not as happy as you think it will. Most turmoil that people experience comes from within, and when it manifests in their life, they deflect it, blaming it on financial troubles. “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. If the rich are happy, and we were to incorporate the law of attraction into this, then it is likely that the rich were happy to begin with.
When I first started learning about the Law of Attraction, it was something I found interesting, but never really tried to apply it to my own life. I would have events occur pretty frequently in my life that nearly mirrored something I was thinking about earlier, but never considered using such thing to my benefit. I mostly knew it as Synchronicity. Later I came to understand the law of attraction as “The Law of Attraction”, but still I had no real desire to incorporate it into my life.
Looking back on much of my life, there were many, many signs that thoughts, emotions and intentions can influence yourself, your environment, and ultimately what happens to you. Nearly every incident that comes to mind now that lies in my past, I can see how the law of attraction played a hand in it. I am a somewhat pessimistic person, and have a tendency to lean towards the worst case scenarios when there is something I am worrying about. Though in the background of my mind, I would be working out the odds that such a case would actually occur. Bad things, or bad luck often befell me.
Then ‘The Secret’ came out, and the movie was something I wanted to see. It looked good, seemed very entertaining as well as informative, and I wanted to know what it had to teach. Well, I never could afford to get the movie for the longest time. Then it came out on youtube for free (Not sure if it will stay free or online though) and I snagged the opportunity to watch it. And it was about as I expected it. Amazing.
The Secret filled in many gaps and holes I had with my understanding of the law of attraction and shed some light on why some things in my life weren’t changing, despite my efforts to change them. What you resist, persists. But I think the most important thing it managed to do was, inspire me. It inspired me to not only look at myself more deeply, but also to change my paradigm. Because the more I thought about what the movie taught me, the more I realized this law has been here all along.
Here is the first 20 minutes.
Sure enough, the full version, unfortunately, has been taken down. Luckily the first 20 minutes of the video is still up, and it goes over most of the important aspects of the Law of Attraction within these minutes, which is great. Hope you enjoy.
After I watched this movie, the next day I began applying it to my life. Connection quickly began to form between what I thought about and what happens before me. I began to try and maintain a positive attitude, and imagine something I wanted to happen, as if it was already taking place, or had already happened. I tried to feel the emotions that would be involved as it happens, and enjoy it. Then when I felt I had immersed myself enough, I let it go.
I didn’t try and force it, nor did I stress over whether it would be successful or not, I merely had a little faith that it would happen, and went about my day. Sure enough, things began to happen as I envisioned them to, and I was astonished. It was so easy, and fun! I couldn’t believe how potent it felt, even though the process itself seemed so effortless in many ways. It was like magic!
After a few days of playing with it, the shine began to wear off. Up until my inspiration over the matter had worn off, I had a near perfect hit rate. Everything that I attempted to attract into my life came true. Admittedly, they were mostly smaller things, not like ‘Lottery’ big or something. Then, as my inspiration began to fade, and my mood began to return to where it was prior to watching the movie, the effects also seemed to slip.
I will say this much. Over those few days, the connections I made, and the experiences I had, coupled with the success of it all, I am left with little doubt, the Law of Attraction is real. But maybe more importantly, I just want to be happy. I think if it taught me anything, it was the true value of happiness. A little cheesy, I know. But it did bring to my attention, how much I vastly underrated happiness and it‘s affects in my life. And I will continue to pursue a positive and happy life. And I hope you will as well!
Till Next Time!