Telekinesis is the ability to move objects from a distance. The term Telekinesis (Abbreviated as TK) is derived from the Greek words Tele - which means distance, and kinesis - which means movement, which comes together to form Telekinesis, or distance movement. Psychokinesis (Abbreviated as PK) is another term that can describe the phenomena, and it has become very popular recently.
Psychokinesis is again derived from the Greek words, Psyche - which means mind, and of course you know, kinesis - means movement. Psychokinesis, as you have probably guessed by now, suggests that the mind is responsible for this movement at a distance. Yet, we still know very little about this innate ability of ours, and leaving ‘what’ causes this action at a distance, out of the definition, allows us to broaden our horizons and explore what else is involved other then just the mind as a possible cause.
There are two kinds of Telekinesis that should be noted. Micro, and Macro. Micro-Telekinesis is the telekinetic influence of small scale events, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. Macro-Telekinesis is the telekinetic influence of large scale events, which can be seen by the naked eye.
The focus of this article will mostly be on macro-telekinesis… because lets face it, macro-TK, is just more awesome. Even the bible thought so…
It is an ability you see pop up frequently in myths, legends and religion.
A couple of examples include the mythical(?) character in the legend of King Arthur, Merlin, who famously used this power to move Stonehenge across the sea from Ireland to England.
Another example can come from the bible. In Matthew 17:20 in which he says (According to the bible I have on hand) - And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Some believe this passage to be a metaphor or parable. Though it has been argued that because of the use of the word verily (which means truth), that Jesus was trying to say that this is what you can ‘actually’ do with faith.
This can be found again in the bible in Luke 17:6. It reads - And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
The list can go on really. Things like duplicating food, turning water to wine, casting out demons, healing the sick, walking on water, commanding a storm to cease, etc.
Different forms of Telekinesis
There are actually many different kinds of psychokinesis in the world, it, after all, is an umbrella term to encompass all kinds of phenomena believed to be attribute to the mind. The mind is a very unique and complex thing we have; it spans your entire body, and even exists outside of it, beyond your skin. It is, in many ways, the very essence that makes up who you are. Because it permeates every aspect of who you are, it makes sense that it can have a direct impact on what happens to you; or be the corner stone for your potential.
One of the many forms of telekinesis, lies in our ability to effect chance. This can range from chance encounters, such as thinking of someone, and then later running into that person; to simply flipping a coin and hoping for it to land on heads, and it does. In the late 1930s, a man by the name of Joseph Banks Rhine, who was a botanist that developed an interest in parapsychology, began testing the ability to effect chance via the mind when a gambler came to him, claiming he could influence the fall of the dice. The data from the experiments showed the results exceeded the probabilities of chance. He later published a paper on his findings, and continued his work in this area for the next 20 years, before he retired.
Since J. B. Rhine’s research, hundreds of organizations have popped up to investigate ESP, Psychokinesis and the like. One of these was Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Center, or PEAR for short. Anyone who is interested in parapsychology has definitely heard of PEAR, as it conducted the most experiments on how our intention can affect chance. In-fact, over the 28 years they were open, they collected the data from millions of trials, which showed a small, but statistically significant influence, that human intention has on Random Number Generators.
Another area of Telekinesis lies within the realm of faith, and is known as Stigmata. Stigmata is a phenomena where wounds, burns or sores appear for no discernible reason on the body. It is mostly associated with Christianity, with the wounds in the hands and feet, similar to the crucifixion of Jesus. It however is not restricted to Christianity, and can be found in a wide variety of religious faiths, some include Muslim, Hindu and even Buddhism.
Though the wounds attained from stigmata are associated with the wounds of a religious figure, some wounds mysteriously appear that have no connection to a religion, and can therefore occur anywhere on the body, and come in many forms. The strange thing is, these wounds often don’t bleed too much, nor do they get infected. Most of these mysterious injuries don’t heal either, they will disappear as inexplicably as they came, often times only to reappear again later.
The next may be even stranger. Instead of wounds mysteriously appearing, these people intentionally pierce their own bodies, shoving spikes through their flesh, including their cheeks, ears, lips, parts of the torso and even into the head directly. It is known as Deliberately Caused Bodily Damage Phenomena (DCBD), and strange thing about it is, little to no bleeding occurs, and often the wounds heal very quickly and in some cases instantaneously, leaving no scar. Unlike stigmata above, this phenomena is usually not accompanied with pain.
This mysterious ability is usually seen within those of devout faith (not necessarily pertaining to any particular religion); often claiming that a deity has imbued them with this power because of their strong faith, which essentially allows them to mutilate themselves in this fashion, without pain, without bleeding, and without scarring. It should be noted that many of the places these people pierce, and in the manner which they do so, would leave lasting damage, and in some cases cause fatalities; but for them it doesn’t, and we don’t know why.
Stigmata and DCBD deal mostly with unexplainable injuries manifesting, or miraculous healing occurring to the body and the two have been linked to the power of the mind. That one’s belief in something can be so strong, that it can either harm the body sympathetically, or heal the body magically. But as Psychokinesis, or Telekinesis suggests, this effect isn’t confined to the body. One of the most popular genres in movies today features a ghost reeking havoc on a family and their property. Surely one of the main attractions to such things is all the furniture suddenly and without explanation, flying across the house.
This incredible phenomena is usually attributed to a Poltergeist; however, it may not actually be a noisy spirit causing the furniture to sprint across the room, but instead be Reoccurring Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK). Since poltergeist activity has caused quite a stir over the many years, dating as far back as the 1st century, investigators have had plenty of opportunities over the years to research the activity, and there were some very interesting findings. Some of the things these investigators found were that the poltergeist activity seemed to cease when certain people left the house.
This got many wondering if perhaps the poltergeist was either connected to a certain person in the house, or if it was actually the person themselves causing these occurrences, so they began to watch suspected members of the family for anything out of the ordinary, including fraud. Soon they began to notice specific traits that were shared among cases, such as, the center of activity often revolved around a child or teenager. The child often showed signs of mental or emotional stress, and activity would accompany these peaks of stress. Many of these children were tested to eliminate the potential of fraud, but against the conditions set, the activity continued. This of course narrowed it down to two possibilities, either it was a poltergeist attached to the child, or it was the child causing such activity to occur on an unconscious level.
The concept of the mind utilizing known or unknown forms of energy to move large objects was not a new concept, though it wasn’t widely believed to be possible. However, seeing is believing, and when these investigators counseled or had the child counseled for their stress, much of the activity would cease. Some would even state outright that the child is the cause, albeit unintentionally, but still the source, and many times the activity would stop. This showed strong evidence that it in-fact was a person in the house that subconsciously manifested the activity, and that the mind truly has immense power over the physical world. At least, the subconscious does.
Over the years, the evidence continues to mount in favor of RSPK being a plausible cause to many poltergeist activity cases. Though, it should also be noted, that in some cases, at the very least, both fraud and RSPK have been ruled out and the phenomena still continues; which suggests that in some cases, the poltergeist is real.
Important Aspects of Telekinesis
Telekinesis has become a very popular topic in parapsychology, and many have even began attempting to learn Telekinesis in their own homes. Which is no surprise considering the results from many different parapsychology research organizations show that not only is it real, but even the average person is able to do it, and does do it on a small scale (such as chance) regularly; even if they are unaware of it. A subculture of sorts has sprung up in an attempt to learn and strengthen this subconscious ability, to utilize it under conscious control.
Though I’m not sure how it is done, I have run into some reoccurring aspects of psychokinesis that are almost always involved; so I decided to list those incase anyone is interested in giving it a shot. Telekinesis is a paranormal, or it might be more correct to say preternatural, ability so although this list consists of things most people are familiar with, it seems if one wishes to learn telekinesis, they have to train each of these skills to an exceptional level. But don’t let that scare you, I believe such things are within our reach.
Energy is something I see mentioned in one form or another, such as psi, but it pretty much is always mentioned, or at least implied. As you probably know, the universe and everything in it consists of energy, and every action requires energy. Telekinesis is the movement of objects at a distance, and therefore is an action, and would require energy. From what I can understand, one must learn to feel and tap into the energy both within them, and around them, and use it to fuel the action of telekinesis. Meditation is a great stepping stone in this area, as it can help quiet the mind which can help with sensitivity training. With this sensitivity, you can begin to feel the energy within you, and then you can train it up a bit.
Focus and Awareness are some other aspects that can be improved by meditation, and are also important in the success of psychokinesis. Parapsychologists have noted that when someone gleans information via Extrasensory Perception, their mind actually seems to touch whatever it is they acquired information from; at least when they try to acquire information in this manner. Awareness will allow you a way to connect to the object, because being attentive to something, somehow begins to induce synchronicity. An old saying, and one you have probably heard is, ‘Energy flows where Attention goes’. If this is true, then learning to hone the minds concentration will be invaluable in directing your energy to the target object in order to move it.
Intention is another one. Though it is unclear how intention has such an impact on the result, it some how does. On it’s own, intent may sound obvious, you do have to intend for it to happen, in order for it to happen, right? Well, the thing is intent not only seems to impact the direction the energy travels, but also ‘how’ the energy behaves and interacts with the object. We don’t know a lot about this energy; it in itself is pretty mysterious, as it can pass through solid objects in order to reach its intended object to have its effect. Also, depending on what you intend to happen, theoretically, you can push or pull the object, light it on fire, or a whole assortment of other possibilities. But ‘what’ happens, seems to be based on your intent.
Practice is an important, albeit cliché aspect of success in any area of life you wish to master. Practice meditating, try to harness your focus by feeling and getting to know your energy. Simply sit in a comfortable position, and allow all your muscles to rest, and your mind to clear. Breathe deeply, but not to the point where it begins to cause tension in your body. Just breathe in as deep as is comfortable to you. As you begin to relax and your mind clears, try to gently feel around within your body for energy. You may not be able to feel it at first, as you probably have never tried to feel it in your life before now. It may take you a few days, but you will eventually begin to feel it. It feels differently to each person, but when you begin to feel it, don’t try to move it around, just focus your attention on it gently. Eventually this feeling will become strong, as you become more aware of it, and as you become more aware of it, you will inherit more control over it. Merely practice this each day, and eventually you will begin to see the results.
An important aspect that is apart of anything you want to get good in, and I don’t see mentioned to often is, Interest. It is very important to try and keep your interest in learning something, especially with something like telekinesis or meditation, as results may not emerge for weeks, which can be incredibly frustrating. Telekinesis, sadly, isn’t like riding a bike, where you learn to balance and synchronize muscle movements in order to peddle; but in-fact we are learning to tap in parts of us that went previously unused, and we are not used to. This takes some changes in how we think. Allowing us to recondition our minds to accept the possibility of us doing psychokinesis. The first few weeks are the hardest, and if you lose interest, you will stop practicing.
This last one, may or may not be important, so I will mention it just in case. Belief. Belief may be important, because I see it in all who are able to do it. However, it becomes a matter of what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Did they believe before they achieved it, or only because they achieve it? I know that belief, not only for telekinesis in general, but also in yourself, can bolster your success; but whether or not it’s ‘needed’ for success, I’m not sure. Rather be safe then sorry I guess. Stigmata and DCBD both were most prominent in those with a strong belief in something more. This is also seen in a lot of poltergeist activity, this something beyond. It is even mentioned in many faiths, as in the bible like I quoted above. So telekinesis may have its ties to something supernatural about us; but if nothing else, a strong faith in yourself, should help.
And there you have it. I hope it was entertaining to read, and that I helped some.
Here are some videos of real Telekinesis in action. May they inspire you.
Energy Training
Can Roll
Stasis Field and Reversal
Is it Wind or Static?
These videos are merely a taste. Look at the rest of their videos for more information, and more demonstrations.
Hope you enjoyed!
Till next time!