Friday, November 19, 2010

Solfeggio Frequencies and Cymatics


We are all to familiar with sound.  It is a release of pressure into a medium which creates an oscillating frequency wave.  The Ear picks up the vibrations from the wave, and turns them into signals which are then interpreted by the brain.  Sound is a wondrous thing, and it can be found almost everywhere.  It is one of our 5 senses, and a very important one.  Without sight, it would fall to our ability to hear sound, to help us navigate and survive.

 For millennia, sound has been an important aspect for survival, and comfort.  The snapping of twigs, a low growl, a sharp howl, the rustling of bushes, the dead silence; all sounds alerting you to the possibility of a predator nearby.  The sweet hum of a lullaby, the gentle crackling of a warm fire, the soft trickling of water against stone, the light whispering of the wind through the trees; all sounds the we can find comfort in.  But sound can have more of an impact on our minds, and our bodies, beyond just hearing the activity of our surround environment.


A good example of the effects of sound on people is communication.  Verbal speech is one of the oldest forms of communication.  Refined over the many years, it has matured into something more then just orchestrated noise.  Through verbal communication and it’s refinements, I was able to convey some examples in the paragraph above.  Though it is written text, you probably understand these words and their meanings (Otherwise you shouldn’t be reading this).  Because you have spoken these words and understand them, you are likely saying each word in this line, in your head.  Was I right?

Communication comes in many forms, and its not so much the word as it is the meaning that has effects on people.  For instance, a nice compliment can have an uplifting effect on someone’s mood, such as, “You look good today!”.  It wasn’t the words the made the difference, it was the meaning.  The same could be said for an insult though, like “Does your scale read ‘Mercy!’ when you step on it, or does it just crush beneath your feet?”.  I actually felt a little bad writing that…

A hurtful remark, an uplifting comment, an inspiring speech, a witty comeback, an amusing joke, a sad story, etc.  It is the meaning behind those words that touch our souls, for bad or good.  We use it everyday, and it works everyday.  But if words can move us so much, then what else can sound do?


Music is a pretty obvious one, not unlike the one above.  We have multiple genres today, such as:  Country, Rock, Rap, Pop, Hip Hop, Techno, Metal, and I don’t know what else.  It is sound, specifically structured around Rhythm, Melody and Harmony.  Music is apart of every culture, and has been around since 7,000 B.C.

Music is a little different then just communication.  Though it does often communicate something, often a story or emotion.  Music has the uncanny ability to surpass the outer shell of a person, and reach their very core to have an impact.  Good music can make you laugh or cry, give you confidence, pump you up, calm you down, relieve stress, or create it (depending), and all around soothe the soul.

Consider a ‘Bard’ from old times.  A Bard had to go through extensive mental and verbal training, as well as memorize a minimum of 300 poems, but most knew on the upwards of a thousand.  It was said that a Bard could bring an audience to tears, or laughter.  To calm and create peace between two warring clans, or stir-up courage in the hearts of soldiers, with the right melody for a poem.  There are even stories of Bards being employed for their magical voice to sing over battlefields, and rain fire from the sky upon their enemies.  William Shakespeare was considered a Bard.

Solfeggio Frequencies

I didn’t know much about the Solfeggio Frequencies until more recently.  As I researched them for this post, I found there wasn’t much to go on except a small handful of sites that seemed to have the exact same article written word for word, on each site.  So, I decided since I’m not going to repeat what has already been repeated several times, I’ll just go ahead and highlight some of the major points on Solfeggio Frequencies and post a link at the end to one of the sites, so if you want more information on them.

The Solfeggio Frequencies are believe to be originally used in Ancient Gregorian Chants.  An example could be the Great Hymn of John the Baptist (6 B.C. - 36 A.D.).  These tones where given to the Church for Spiritual purposes, and used among religious masses to imbue tremendous Spiritual Blessings when the frequencies were sung in harmony.

Many years ago the frequencies where lost.  Over the last 200 years we have adopted a new tuning method for music, known now as the 12 Tone Equal Temperament, that has far less of an impact then the Solfeggio Frequencies.  The Frequencies where then rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo and Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

The 6 Basic Solfeggio Frequencies are:
(Name of the Note) - (Frequency) = (Root Number) - (Effect of the Frequency)
Ut - 396 = 9 - Liberating Guilt and Fear
Re - 417 = 3 - Facilitating Change
Mi - 528 = 6 - Transformation and Miracles
Fa - 639 = 9 - Connection and Relationships
Sol - 741 = 3 - Awakening Intuition
La - 852 = 6 - Returning to Spiritual Order

The frequency of 528 was found to be specifically used by genetic biochemist for the treatment and repair of damaged D.N.A.

Dr. Horowitz continued the research after the first 6 were rediscovered and found an additional 3 frequencies.  (Note:  I am not sure of the name, or effect of the additional frequencies)

174 = 3
285 = 6
963 = 9

The reason I add in the root number is because it was discovered that any frequency or vibration with a base number of 3, 6 or 9 was significantly more powerful then others.  Nicola Tesla even said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe”.  John Keely, an expert in electromagnetic technologies wrote, "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat."

Below is a link to the first half of Solfeggio Frequencies.  More or less the story portion.  It’s quite good though.
Part 1

174 | 417 | 741   = 243 - 324
285 | 528 | 852   = 243 - 324
396 | 639 | 963   = 243 - 324
^       ^       ^
111   111   111

The picture and chart may not make sense.  But short of just copying and pasting which I didn’t want to do, I just typed out the chart so you can understand when you visit the link for the second part of Solfeggio Frequencies.  It explains how Dr. Horowitz discovered the 3 additional frequencies.  I actually had to do the little tic-tac-toe thing in order for me to understand it.  Also, note the story near the beginning with the Monks.  Quite interesting.
Part 2


This was brought to my attention by a friend of mine.  I was told it was Sacred Geometry, used by Ancient Man when it was discovered.  I saw it mentioned at the bottom of Part 1 as Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena.

If you don’t believe that the Solfeggio Frequencies work, then watch the video below.  How matter is effected by sound…

Amazing, isn’t it?  To wonder what else is out there that is truly marvelous…

Till next time.  Some more lolcats… lol.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chemtrails and Contrails

The Truth about Chemtrails and Contrails

Are Chemtrails real?

Nope.  They are a figment of your overactive imagination.  At least according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), United States Air Force (USAF).  That’s a lot of big names.  Some of the best minds on the planet work for these places.  How can you argue with that?

Well, a lot of the argument put up against the chemtrails rebuttal is because of the lack of an explanation towards these strange trails in the sky.  Stating, the occurrence of a chemtrail is nothing more then a normal, elongated contrail.  A Contrail, if you don’t know, is the condensation of the air into water or even ice, when the engine or exhaust heats the air around it, which is then cooled by the surrounding air, as the plane passes, leaving an vapor trail.

The problem arises when contrails typically dissipate quickly.  Anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.  A chemtrail however, typically lasts anywhere from a few hours, to a full day before dissipating into the air.  It lasts many times longer then the normal contrail.  So, of course, people began to ask questions as to why these trails lasted so long.

This brought about the name, Chemtrails.  A Chemical Trail, unlike a Contrail or Condensation Trail.  It is believed that one of the primary reasons these trails last longer is because of it’s chemical composition.  Some of the more common chemicals theorized to be in a chemtrail is: Ethylene, Pesticide, Carcinogen, and probably most theorized, Aluminum and Barium.

Both Aluminum and Barium are found in the air, most foods, and drinking water.  Usually in to small of a dose to do any real harm to you.  So if it’s not all that dangerous, then why is made to sound so?  Well, just like oxygen, too much of a good thing, is a bad thing.  Overexposure or consuming to much of either, will have some series side effects.  From aches and pains, blood pressure problems, weakness, nervousness.  It also screws with the mind and nervous system, effecting mood, memory and focus the most.  The biggest candidate theorized by far is, Impaired Immune System.

Over time, chemtrails got more and more attention until they began attracting news stations to the matter.  Here are links to 2 news reports on the matter.

News Report 1

News Report 2

Notice how both mentioned high levels of Barium?

The Germans have admitted to using chemtrails.  There was even a video that stormed the web a few years back of their admittance to it, but it appears it has since been taken down.   The U.S. has admitted to this as well in the past.

With Barium and Aluminum already in most foods, drinking water, the air, and in the soil, how could we really speak out against chemtrails?  When you think about it, it’s one of those perfect crimes.  If the chemtrails have these chemicals in them, and they dissipate into the air as they settle to the ground, and both the ground and air naturally have these in them already, how could one prove the source is the chemtrail?

Because proving chemtrails as the source becomes the weakest link, and skeptics, can and do attack it.

Unfortunately, proving any theory require many hoops to jump through.  We have 2 halves of the whole, but no, at least acceptable link to join the two.  The ground collected samples of the chemicals settling from the air, and, video footage of a plane actually spewing chemicals into the air.  In-fact there are several videos out there that show it.

Here is one -

Chemtrail Up Close

A thought came to mind when I first saw this video.  Why didn’t he turn his plane to the side, and tried to dip his wing into the chemicals?  After he landed, he could have taken a sample from the wing.

Besides that, we ‘do not’ know what those chemicals where being spewed, all we saw was ‘something’ being sprayed.  We have ground samples, but we ‘do not’ know the source, all we know is ‘something’ is causing unnaturally high levels of Barium and Aluminum.  Short of the wing idea above, or the government or whoever, admitting to it, all we can do is try to spread awareness.

Ultimately, I will leave it up to you to decide what the truth is…

Until next time, I leave you with another picture to lighten the mood.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Suppressed Cures for HIV, AIDS and Cancer

Zapper | Laetrile

                                                   Dr. Robert Beck

Doctors and scientists are working hard at finding cures to diseases in which cures, already exist.  Dr. Bob Beck discovered a patent of a blood purifier using alternating micro-electrical currents, nicknamed “The Zapper”. 

Laetrile, also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17, is believed to cure cancer.  Laetrile is most commonly found in Apricot pits.  But, Laetrile is also very dangerous if used improperly.

These are just 2 of the ways to cure Cancer, HIV or AIDS.  Yet we don’t see the doctors prescribing them… but why?  And why are these methods made out to sound so ludicrous and insane?…

I once had the privilege to watch a video by Dr. Bob Beck.  He spoke of a cure for HIV, AIDS and a whole assortment of diseases and illnesses.  At the time, I had only just got into the realm of conspiracies.  I, like many others, began to feel as if there was something wrong with the world we live in.  I got curious and began to look further into the ideas of Shadow Governments and Depopulation Theories, Methods of Mass Control and Mass Suppression of Valuable Information, etc.

I always tip-toed along the border, checking out all the stories, reading or watching them present their findings.  It wasn’t until I ran into a few pieces of work, that I started to take these ideas a little more seriously.  Dr. Bob Beck’s video was one of them, and in it, he describes a device created, patented and suppressed for almost 20 years now, that is believed to be able to cure full list of diseases and illnesses.  I haven’t had the honor to test the device personally, but I do have an interesting story to share after the video.

The video is kind of old, and is 2 hours, but is well worth the watch, and I highly suggest it.  He does show the Zapper, as well as explains how it works, and why it was suppressed.


And here is a link to the Alternating Current patent.


The video was a little boring, I couldn’t help nodding off a few times.  But the fact that such a thing exists and is claimed to able to cure diseases that are most ailing our society.  Instead of it being released, they suppressed it, for greed.  There are tons of things like this that where suppressed that could have drastically changed our society for the better.  Water, electric and solar cars are a great example.  We’ve seen it done a lot in just about every area of our lives.

As for my little story, it relates to the Zapper.  There is a little product that was out a little while ago called, “The Stimulator”.  It uses small electrical shocks to alleviate pain.  It’s handheld and portable, and fairly convenient.  I didn’t actually get to test this device personally, but, someone whom I trust very much has, and she says it works, my Mom.  My Mom works very hard at a stressful job, and got the chance to try it out, not knowing what it was, after one of her co-workers brought it in one day.  She has Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel and more, but she didn’t test it on the others.

When she used it, she said it almost immediately relieved the pain.  When I heard about it, it reminded me of the Zapper.  I thought the it was somewhat similar and was worth noting.  Before I wrote this post, I did a quick search on it, to try and get a few more details on it.  What I found was site after site calling it a pack of lies and quackery.  Normally I would take skepticism under consideration, as I don’t like being fooled.  But, my Mom having personally tested it, among her co-workers, and said it works, contradicted what the sites where saying.  Except one thing that I read, which claimed (according to the site), the device relieved pain permanently.  My Mom said it worked great for a few hours before it wore off, but besides that, it worked about as described.

Many of the sites bashing it, didn’t even claim to have tested the device.  One site even based it off a single testimonial which made it sound like a joke.  When I read it, I couldn’t help but think it was forged.  The Blood Cleaner in the video above by Bob Beck is I’m sure on several sites receiving the same treatment.  “It doesn’t work and he’s a Loony”, yet he didn’t seem that way to me.

Researching Bob Beck eventually led me to other potential cures.  Laetrile was one of them that caught my eye, so I began to look into it a little.  Laetrile, as mentioned above, is also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17, is mostly found inside the pit of an Apricot.  Inside the pit are these kernels, rich with Laetrile, which you eat.  Somewhere between 16 and 40 kernels a day, throughout the day.

Looking into Laetrile led me to even more cures, and one particular site that seems to have them all.

Cancer Tutor

This site pretty much has it all.  From all kinds of information on cancer itself, to the different cures, proper instructions, tips, warnings, as well as why and how this information is suppressed and the conspiracies involving the Medical and Pharmaceutical companies.

I wont suggest anyone try these methods.  At least not off just the information here.  If you would like to try any alternative treatment, know that you do so at your own risk, so do research thoroughly, and be very careful.  I wish you the best of luck.

Well, until the next conspiracy, or post, I leave you with another lolcats…

Remember, you can always smile and laugh...

Repercussions for a Cure?

Also, here is an article I wrote for HIV/Aids

Alternative Treatments for HIV/Aids

Friday, September 24, 2010

Disinformation vs. Misinformation

The difference between Disinformation and Misinformation.


There are three kinds of information in this world, Disinformation, Misinformation and Truth.  Everything you learn, falls under one of these three categories.  The News, media, talk shows, magazines, gossip, articles, books, word of mouth, even your school teachers.  These are all primary places you can get information from.  They are all also capable of being deceptive, misleading, misguided, honest and factual.  But, how do you know which one it falls under? 

I started thinking about this during my last post on Subliminal Messages.  I presented some evidence to suggest it, but I’m no expert in this field.  Like everyone, I look to those who seem to have answers in order for me to have the answers as well.  I go read articles, and visit websites and watch videos and talk to people.  I try to spread my research abroad so I can gain as much information as I can about a subject.  But, Subliminal Messages was a tricky one, how can you tell which are actual hidden messages, and which are just coincidence.  Some of them are obvious enough to know for certain these hidden influences are going on, but some seemed quite stretched.  Like the words “Sex” spelt out with hair, or something else.  I couldn’t help but wonder, if this person makes it his business to find such hidden messages, then isn’t it possible, that they may dig so deep, they find things that aren’t actually there?

In one of the videos in my last post, at the end, he did admit some could be coincidence, but the question still got me thinking.  This blog deals with many Paranormal and Supernatural subjects, and even Conspiracies.  Many of which have not been accepted by science, and many questions are left in the air unanswered.  This is apart of its appeal to me, but at the same time, this worries me a little…

Disinformation is the deliberate act of giving false information, and to lie about something.  I know I will never deliberately lie about anything on this blog.  I’m after the truth, and I know, so are you.  But, I am worried a little about misinformation.

Misinformation is the unknowing act of giving false information.  Every post I have done about a subject, has several possible explanations.  Ranging from Supernatural and Paranormal explanations, to possible scientific explanations.  I will do my best to provide the best and most accurate information I can, but even after that, it is still possible my information could be misinformation.  I don’t want to scare people away, I definitely don’t want that, but it is a possibility.  In truth, this possibility exists on every site, and every source of information you go to.  So, how do you defend yourself against Disinformation and Misinformation?  Well, with Truth.

Truth is not fool-proof unfortunately, it is subjective.  But the best way to obtain truth is through experience.  You need to personally research a subject you take interest in.  Make it broad, spread it out and around, this will give you a much more wide gaze into what your researching, and allow for more information to be taken in.  But, as pointed out above, the information you are getting could be misinformation, or worse disinformation.  This is true, but there is a sequel to research, you also need to “Test” it.  If it’s a subject you can test, personally test it.  This will quickly weed out the crap and misinformation involved.  This is not to say to test everything.  Don’t try to explode into flame to test Spontaneous Human Combustion, that would probably end very badly for you, so I won‘t recommend it.  So, if you can test it, try and test it.  But if it’s a subject like Spontaneous Human Combustion, and you cant test it, there is one more thing you can do, but it’s less concrete.  Form an Opinion…

If you can’t test it, you can still likely research it.  If you research it thoroughly, you can find details, and repeating patterns, and other things that may stick out to help you learn more about it.  Once you have gathered enough on it, and feel comfortable, go ahead and test it, and give it the benefit of the doubt, who knows, you may be surprised at what you find.  But if you can’t, you can always form an ‘Opinion‘.  Opinions can ‘NOT’ be wrong.  It’s when they’re declared as ‘FACT’ that they can be wrong.  On most subjects in this blog, I try and give my opinion on the matter, I will show some videos and sources that helped me make up my opinion, and they themselves could be misinformation.  But, I sort of treat each subject like a case, in which I present the case and my opinion, maybe some other sources to show some of how I came to that opinion, and then encourage you to form one of your own. 

I also want to spread awareness of these abnormal phenomena going on in this world, as they really are going on.  But we don’t know how, or why, so I try and spread the word a bit, and get people to take more of an interest in the Paranormal and Supernatural and even Conspiracies, so we can answer some of these puzzling questions, whether it be a Scientific answer or Paranormal one.  The reason I include Conspiracies here is, there are a lot of conspiracies that raise some good questions, and through some reading, I am beginning to wonder if the government, or some organization does hold many answers to a lot of these questions and just isn’t sharing.

I also know they have used Disinformation tactics before, and still do to this day.  I am constantly plagued with the question, ‘What do they know, that I should’…

I love this guys video series.  They’re quick, and fun to watch.

Anyways, I think that is it for this post.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Subliminal Messages - The Hidden Influence

Subliminal Messages

Do you see them?

The concept of Subliminal Messages have been around since at least 1957, with the famous James Vicary experiment in a movie theater in Fort Lee, New Jersey.  Flashing messages across the screen for .03 seconds to ‘Eat Popcorn’ and ‘Drink Coca-Cola’.  It is widely believed to have yielded a significant increase in sales for both popcorn and soda.  This however is untrue.  His theory was eventually tested scientifically, and the results were found lacking.  Afterwards, to test it further, he was invited to replicate his experiment personally to see if the scientifically tested experiment was conducted incorrectly, or possible James himself had more to add to it.  When he did, again the results showed no sign of increase in sales, he then admitted shortly there after, that his original experiment’s results where exaggerated.

But, does that mean subliminal messages don’t exist, or maybe, they don’t quite have an impact on you as they are hyped up to be?

Either way, lets look at subliminal messages a little more and how some of them are said to be presented.

Subliminal Message means - A message or stimulation below conscious perception.

Supraliminal Message means - A message of stimulation above conscious perception.

When you break subliminal messages down, it’s all about Influence.  We are influenced every day of our lives, most of the time we aren’t aware of it when it happens, even if we have all been told it.  There are many ways to influence someone, most of which are quite simple and blunt, even cliché.  But then again, aren’t clichés repeated because they work?

Some of the more common ways to influence someone are:



Body Language

Hidden Messages


There are probably more out there, but these ones will do.  I originally had written a huge post on this subject, complete with videos, but after about 4 pages and videos, I decided to cut it down some.

Look for the above ways to influence, in the videos below.

Now that I watch it again, I do got to ask, why do so many pictures use that weird swirl-thing on everything.  Also, at the end, he is right, how many times does it take before it’s not coincidence anymore?

I’m not sure, but lets watch some more!

In the next one, you will see some of the same stuff, but it is one of my favorites.

There are countless other videos I wanted to add.  But to many videos on the page seems to weigh it down, so I will hold off for now.

As you can see they still do exist, and everywhere for that matter.  They weren’t really outlawed, and it is likely, you are surrounded by them, even now.  Though each individual message on its on won't effect you, when it's repeated over and over again, it does.  Repetition, repetition, repetition...

But the question is why?  And what else is hidden from us?  If this isn’t a coincidence, which I don’t think it is, then why go to such lengths as to program us?

The answer is probably hidden in plain sight…

Until next time, I leave you with something, heartwarming…

Monday, August 30, 2010

Evolution of Religion

How Religions are Related

Over the weekend, I ran into a three-part video that just about made my jaw hit the floor.  The videos are about Religion.  Specifically the similarities between Ancient Egyptians and Christianity.  It put a lot of things into perspective for me, and did well in explaining how the Bible got it’s stories.  I doubt many Christians will find the videos enjoyable, but I’m not exactly Christian, so… 

Anyways, I couldn’t help posting it.  It’s roughly 30 minutes long altogether, but it’s well worth the watch.


(Note: Click play and then pause it and leave it, so the videos can buffer while you watch the first.  I had a few problems on the third part buffering to slowly, so doing so may eliminate that problem for you by the time you get to it.)

Did your jaw hit the floor?  Mine did, I thought it was very tastefully done, and fantastic to be honest.  A lot of good information presented in a smooth, easy to understand manner, and gave both insight into how Ancient Man and Civilizations used Metaphors to explain the natural phenomena of the universe. 

I figure there are 3 ways to look at these videos.

1.) The videos are a lie and is there to mislead us.  Some form of disinformation.

2.) It proves that the Bible is a lie, and a fake, it being just a mere copy of other religions.

3.) It shows our religious beliefs haven’t changed much since Ancient Times.  Showing that although the characters may change, the story stays the same. 

For me, it’s number 3.  It doesn’t necessarily disprove the Bible to me.  It just kind of shows how religion transits from one age to another, adopting characteristics of that time to best tell the same story.

It also shows that most, if not all religious beliefs as closely related.  With it, it should become more apparent that scolding someone for their beliefs is sheer hypocrisy, the differences being only in titles and minute details, as they likely share far more in common in that area then they may realize.

Also, it shows that aggression due to differences in religion, is primarily due to ignorance.  Sadly, many people don’t try to educate themselves anymore.  They feel as if everything they have learned or experienced is set in stone, and feel as if there is no need to look any further.

Good news is, there does seem to be a large number of people beginning to re-look at the world with a more open mind, and a willingness to change their beliefs if needed.  This number is growing everyday.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it

And as always, to lighten the mood!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Ghost Post


Everyone’s heard of Ghosts.  Many even believe they have had a Ghostly encounter of some kind in their life.  A temperature change, a sudden feeling of unease, a light touch or breathing on the back of your neck.  A sense of another presence in the room, just staring at you, as if it had intentions for you, intentions you aren’t quite sure of, but something you're sure, you wouldn’t like.  Shadows moving in your peripheral vision.  Strange noises like foot steps or voices coming from places when you know no one is there.

In the darkness, from the shadows, they watch you, planning new ways, to hide your favorite bunny slippers.  Devious and mischievous beings, their only purpose seems to be, to annoy the living crap out of you…  Or scare the living crap out of you, which ever one comes first...

Bad/Failed jokes aside, the Phenomena attributed to Ghosts is a very real phenomena.  Though science, and it’s predictability can’t rest until it has abolished such things from the world, it has come up with several possibilities to challenge Ghosts and the activity closely associated with them.

I personally believe in Ghosts, but I also believe that some phenomena aren’t Ghost related.  I find myself at a crossroads when it comes to Ghosts.  I have had things happen to me that I can’t explain, but maybe the videos listed below can.  First I will share a few of my tales.

Some basics things, I stay up fairly late at night, sometimes (Most the time) I play my video game.  It’s the only time of day I get a chance to.  There is usually only one light on, and it’s just behind and above me.  At night, I will begin to see shadows on the wall, almost always in the same spot to my right.  Or things moving always to my right, and as I look over to see what it causing the shadow or movement, it stops or goes away.  When this started happening, I didn’t attribute it to Ghosts, and I still don’t.  To me, it is the unfocusing of my eyes, specifically my peripheral vision that turns a light shadow, into a darker one, which makes it look like weird shadows on the wall.

Doesn’t sound spooky, does it?  Because it’s not.  Infact I’m pretty certain it’s not a Ghost, and if it is, it’s lame, and needs a better bag of tricks.  This is sort of my control of sorts.  Now, back up in time a little and we come to my old home, bout 5-6 years ago.  At that time, I was sleeping in the basement (I don’t want to hear any jokes) because no one else wanted to.  The basement was unfinished at the time, and we had a washing machine and dryer, a hot water tank, the furnace, and an old, kind of creepy desk that the original owners left behind, and no one seemed to toss out.

To cut to the chase, things happened down there.  Every person in my family, including all my friends, had experiences in that house.  Most of which was localized down stairs and at night, when I was trying to sleep, hence the annoying or scaring the crap out of you comment above.  The lightest of activity would just be weird or incoherent noises that I usually attributed to the furnace or hot water tank, or something else down there.  The less frequent, but a little more creepy experience was when I started to hear little girls giggling down there, just on the other side of my wall.  It wasn’t always distinct, and I kept wondering if it was just in my head, so I let it go.

It began to get more intense.  It came to a point where it would take most of the night just to fall asleep, as this figure, which I could see in my mind very clearly, came into my room, fists clenched, breathing heavily and just staring at me from the corner of my bed.  I could draw this guy perfectly the image was so clear.  His presence was clearly felt, and his intentions felt far less then peaceful, like he wanted to do physical harm to me or something.  He scared the crap out of me.  I actually had to sleep with a nightlight for a while because of how frequently I checked to see if something was there.  It was a very disturbing feeling.

Some nights (Very few) nothing would happen, and I could fall asleep with no problems, but he was most of the time there.  This persisted for the better part of a year before I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to move upstairs to the couch.  Eventually I managed to trick my sister into trading rooms with me, hers which was upstairs from mine which was downstairs.  My conscious got the better of me and I ended up telling her its creepy down there, to which she replied, “I don’t care”.  Anyways we switched rooms, and since then I didn’t have another experience.  Except one time upstairs.  Same guy, just for one night, sitting at the end of my bed, huffing and puffing for the little piggy with the new upstairs room.

After that though, it was over, and my sister started talking about her experiences.  Besides the basic creepiness, some of my friends had some alarming experiences.  One of my friends would frequently come over to play video games with me, since he didn’t own the game.  One night he stayed over and up late playing.  He said that when he was playing, he saw a shadow form to his left, right in front of the front door, when he looked over he could see this transparent old man, kind of tall and skinny.  The reason why this story is so interesting, is because on occasion, my family and I all saw this old man (He seemed nice and didn’t cause any trouble, except for when loud music was playing, but I’ll get to that).

We began to get curious and looked into the house’s previous owners a little and found the man who first owned (Or maybe built, can’t remember) the house, fit the description of my friend.  He said he only saw it for a moment before it faded away.  Another experience one of friends had (Different friend) was when my bedroom was downstairs, and me and my friend where down there talking, and I had to go to the bathroom.  The bathrooms upstairs, so I headed up.  I went and did my duty, and as I came down, I noticed the light was off.  I figured he was going to try and scare me, but as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs, I heard him get up and quickly switch on the light.  When I looked at him, he had a bewildered face, so I asked “What’s wrong?”.

He proceeded to tell me that when I was in the bathroom, the light switch flipped off.  He said he thought it was me trying to play a joke on him until he saw me coming down the stairs, at which point he got up and quickly turned on the light.  When I asked him about the light switch, he said he thought it was me because he distinctly heard the light switch flip off.  I was actually kind of jealous, it was my room after all, why couldn’t that have happened to me!

The last one belongs to my sister.  After I tricked her into moving downstairs, she, after her own experiences, moved back upstairs and into the living room.  She would frequently listen to music far to loud (And still does, thankfully she doesn’t live with me anymore).  One day she began to complain about us touching her stereo, as every time she would turn it on, the volume would be to low to hear anything.  We told her it wasn’t us, (And it wasn’t), but she didn’t believe us until one day she came flying out of her room screaming and babbling about her volume.

Once we calmed her down, she proceeded to explain that while she was listening, the volume turned down all by itself.  I didn’t really think much of it, I mean, if the power goes out inexplicably, I don’t chalk it up to Ghosts.  I figured it was just some weird occurrence, and we reassured her it was nothing to worry about.  A few more days passed and she came running back all a sudden, panicked, like she saw a spider… or a ghost, and said, she actually witnessed the dial on her stereo turn down.  She said it moved all by itself.  I sort of chuckled and thought it was my fault.  After a while we began to tease her saying it was the Ghost in the house turning her music down because he didn’t like it.

We never could really tell if it turned down by itself or if she did, as we generally weren’t around to verify it.  Except one time when I was in the kitchen, which was right next to the living room she was staying in.  I started to hear the volume change so I turned around thinking “Finally, she turned it down”, (It was loud and annoying).  But, she wasn’t touching it.  I literally listened to the volume turn down as she just sat there looking at me.  I was a little shocked at what just happened.  All she said was “See!”, and I replied “Well, I guess you were right”.  It wasn’t creepy or anything, it was actually more cool then scary.

Ghosts don’t generally scare me.  To me their often not trying to be scary though, except that one douche-bag Ghost, if it was a Ghost.  Hell, we get our family and friends together on Halloween night and sneak into graveyards just for things like that to happen.  Nothing ever happens in a graveyard though, and I always think to myself, ‘Oh yeah sure!  On the one night of the year when it matters, you all get tired and don’t do anything… Lazy-ass Ghosts’.

Moving along, finally.  Yes folks, it’s going to be a long post.  Grab your favorite bunny slippers and settle in, if Ghosts haven’t hidden them from you, we still have videos to watch!

Many of the experiences in my stories above could likely be explained scientifically.  It may be true that other natural phenomena can cause many of the same experiences that occurred.  But just because there are natural forces in the world that can do the same thing, doesn’t mean all the phenomena related to Ghosts are therefore not real.  We as people replicate a lot of natural forces in the world, so, why couldn’t Ghosts?

Try to keep that in mind when watching these videos.

I kind of thought the story about the faces at the end was a very heartwarming.

The videos above are from a scientific viewpoint, in an attempt to explain away Ghosts.  I personally believe it is important to know what other things could cause Ghostly Phenomena so I don’t misdiagnose an event.  Based on some of their theories, many circumstances in my stories lost somewhere far above could be explained by one or more of their explanations.  Magnetic Fields, Infrasound  or Darkness and Imagination.  We did have electronics in the house, often going, and all appliances give off an electromagnetic field, so maybe that’s the cause?  We did have a ceiling fan in the house, maybe Infrasound?  It was often dark downstairs and I was known for having a wild imagination, possibly one or more of these?

Maybe… But then again, the electromagnetic fields that come off of appliances are very small, and usually don’t have enough impact on a person to influence them one way or another.  Infrasound may be coming from the fan, but we usually had it off since it wasn’t bolted well to the ceiling and would shake and wobble pretty violently, so when we had it on, it was on low.  Darkness and imagination on the other hand, may explain the huffin and puffin, wanna-be, big bad wolf guy.  But nevertheless, the experience did feel very real, so I guess it may never be known for sure.

But there are things that these explanations can’t explain…


Magnetic Field?  Infrasound?  Darkness and Imagination?  These explanations don’t explain objects moving, at least to this degree.

Poltergeist means “Noisy or Restless Spirit”.  Often moving things around or causing disturbances to express it’s presence.  Some can get fairly violent though.  Besides the common, dishes flying around, or things being knocked over, strange noises and electronic malfunctions, there are other things they can do.  Scratches are one of them, or being pulled or jerked in different directions, or other bodily harm.

To me the evidence stacks in favor of Ghosts being real.  When you take everything as listed here, and probably more elsewhere, you get much of these phenomena in a Ghost, whereas you need several separate explanations to explain each occurrence of the same phenomena with science, with some of the phenomena still unexplained.  So when you look at places where Ghost activity seems to be high, and many different seemingly supernatural events occur in the same place, then I got to ask myself, if it’s a bunch of different scientifically explainable circumstances, which all managed to be present and in effect at a given time? Or is it a single, possibly supernatural presence which is known to produce the same phenomena, but can’t quite be explained?

Ultimately the choice is yours.  This is just my opinion.

In the end, I will say I’m pretty sure, some, if not most of the phenomena attributed to Ghosts can be summed up to people scaring themselves.  I even scared myself a few times while writing this post, and I felt like a complete idiot.  But, there are some things that do happen in this world that I feel are no less then supernatural phenomena, and can’t be easily explained away.

I can probably list a lot more videos and add a few cases to this post, but I think this post is a bit long, and I may have repeated myself a few times where it wasn’t needed.

Rate and comment if you like, you're always welcome to.

Until next time, I leave you with another picture!

Wait… what’s that behind you?!

Bet you didn't see that coming...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

SHC - Man vs Fire!

Spontaneous Human Combustion.

Everyone has heard of spontaneous human combustion or SHC for short.  "The Burning of a living body without an apparent source of Ignition".  Well, that's because they didn't find the Match!

Kids, don't light your farts...

There are over 200 recognized cases dealing with SHC.  We as people inherently try to explain everything.  If something can't be explained, we hide or deny it.  Some of the Possible explanations for SHC are...

Unverified natural phenomena

    * Since every human body contains varying strengths of electrical field and the human body also contains flammable gases (mainly methane in the intestines), an electrical discharge could ignite these gases.

    * SHC victims are sometimes described as lonely people who fall into a trance immediately before their incineration. Heymer suggests that a psychosomatic process in such emotionally-distressed people can trigger off a chain reaction by reacting nitrogen within the body and setting off a chain reaction of mitochondrial explosions. This theory has been criticized on the basis that Heymer "seems to be under the illusion that nitrogen exist as gases in the blood and are thus vulnerable to ignition, which is, in fact, not the case." (Mitochondria are organelles found within cells.) The theory also fails to take into account the fact that nitrogen is an inert, non-flammable gas.

    * Another theory suggests high-energy particles or gamma rays coupled with susceptibilities in the potential victim (e.g. increased alcohol in the blood) triggers the initial reaction. This process may use no external oxygen to spread throughout the body, since it may not be an oxidation-reduction reaction. However, no reaction mechanism has been proposed, nor has a source for the high-energy particles.

    * The victim is an alcoholic and has been smoking while drinking or shortly after drinking a strong spirit. There are claims that this raises the blood alcohol level to a point where it ignites; however, this theory is implausible, since ethanol typically burns only if the concentration is greater than about 23%, whereas a fatally toxic level is about 1%. However, this does introduce the probability that the victim will fall asleep while holding a lit cigarette.

    * A suggested possibility is that both clothing and the person are caused to burn by a discharge of static electricity. A person walking across a carpet can build up sufficient charge and voltage to create a spark. It is unlikely that this could start a clothing fire, as although the voltage can be high (several thousand volts), the stored energy is very low (typically less than a joule).

    * The controversial phenomenon of ball lightning has also been proposed as one of the causes of spontaneous combustion.

Natural explanations

    * Cigarettes are often implicated as the source of ignition. Usually, the victim is alone at the time of death, and it is thought that natural causes such as heart attacks may lead to the victim dying, subsequently dropping the cigarette. Embers from cigarettes and pipes may also ignite clothes. Additionally, cigarettes smoulder at a temperature too low to trigger a flare up of most otherwise combustible materials. Typically if a person drops a lit cigarette on an article of clothing, it will create a burn-hole, but not ignite into an open flame and spread.

    * The "wick effect" hypothesis suggests that a small external flame source, such as a burning cigarette, chars the clothing of the victim at a location, splitting the skin and releasing subcutaneous fat, which is in turn absorbed into the burned clothing, acting as a wick. This combustion can continue for as long as the fuel is available. This hypothesis has been successfully tested with animal tissue (pig) and is consistent with evidence recovered from cases of human combustion.

    * Scalding can cause burn-like injuries, including death, without setting fire to clothing. Although not applicable in cases where the body is charred and burnt, this has been suggested as a cause in at least one claimed SHC-like event.

Source - Wikipedia

As you can see, so many people have stepped up with so many explanations to try and take it from "Supernatural" to "Nothing but Science, People!".  Why do we feel so compelled to strike the Magical and Unknown from the world?  For me it makes the world far more fun when it's Mysterious.

The explanations above sound logical.  Some sound fitting.  But there are some things involved with at least some of the cases of SHC that don't exactly line up with the theories above...

As you can see from the videos, the theories listed above from Wikipedia, are nothing more then theories.  Certain details about SHC stand out from these theories as mentioned in the videos, such as:  The time frames of each Incineration, the degree of Incineration, the source and ignition seems at best guessed at.

In my opinion, there is more to the phenomena of Spontaneous Human Combustion, then can be explained away.  But that is just my opinion...

What do you think?

Anywho... until next time.

For now, I leave you with another lolcat's picture... their so funny, and cute!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Building a Better Neanderthal

Misconception of Ancient Man

Ancient genius, or primitive dumb-ass.  Which do you believe our Ancestors to be?

A lot of people like to put emphasis on how far along we have come compared to out ancient friend above.  Giving ourselves a good pat on the back feels good, it makes us feel like we have come along way, and we have.  But, maybe we haven’t quite come as far as we may think. 

The Pictures above may be a bit misleading to the time era I’m thinking of.  Ancient man may have been smarter then we previously assumed.  I’m thinking more along the time line of 3000 B.C till now, possibly further back, I’m not sure to be honest.

Most shows and documentaries depict ancient man as somewhat of a paranoid idiot.  They will pick a natural occurrence like, the wind blowing a leaf, and say “Ancient man thought this was the Gods, getting angry at the leaf!  Because they didn’t understand, wind”.

Ironically, the next show on that same station, will be about the Great Pyramid (Estimated to be built around 2700 B.C), and show all these fascinating theories and findings about the Pyramid, that Modern man, can’t figure out.  Such as, how the stones where moved and placed, and how that fit so perfectly, you couldn’t fit a piece of paper between them.  The architecture of the Pyramid, still astounds people today.

Here are some other interesting facts about the Great Pyramid.

The average weight of each stone making up the Pyramid are about 2 tons and some got up to 30 tons.

The Inside of the Pyramid maintains an average temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

The faces of the Pyramid are aligned perfectly true in each direction of North, South, East and West.

The Pyramid is also located on the exact spot where the North-South Meridian crosses the East -West Meridian of the Earth, put the Pyramid at the Center of Earth’s land mass.

The Pyramids proportionally equal to Earth from base to tip. 

The Pyramids are astrologically aligned with Orion’s Belt.

We are still unsure of how and why the Pyramids where made.

On top of the things listed above, certain other things have been discovered or theorized about the Pyramids.  The deeper you go into the mystery of the Pyramids, the more Mysterious the Pyramids become.

As you can see, on one hand, we will point out how far we’ve come by comparing how primitive they where to how advanced we are.  Allowing us to pat ourselves on the back.  The very next episode, they will show architecture from the past and show how bewildered we are, but manage to keep the two completely separate.  So we can maintain our sense of wonder and superiority.  If you think about it for a moment, they more they knew back then, the less distance in terms of knowledge we have gained over the years, and therefore less value in the distance we have traversed.  So Ancient dumb-ass makes us look real good.

(Note, sorry for the weird rant out of place.  I hope you enjoyed it though!)


Mayan Calendar

Every continent has Pyramids and most civilization had them.  The Mayan’s, most famous for their Calendar, also had Pyramids.  But the Calendar is also a magnificent feat of time keeping, for something built roughly 3400 B.C.  It to this day rivals our most powerful methods of keeping time, and it’s made out of stone.



Stonehenge is another  megalithic structure like the Pyramids.  How and why are still a mystery.  Like the Pyramids, theories and assumptions are all the surround this place. 

Hehe, did you watch the Stonehenge video?  If you did, you can kind of see what I mean about Ancient idiots.  Hell, if you just glances at the things above, you can see already they weren’t dumb, they couldn’t be.  How can they be, if they did things we obviously can’t fully understand.

But, here is where it all begins to change, here is the pivotal point where the “Maybe” and “What if” begins to lead you to something potentially amazing.  There are things in this world, that we barely understand.  Deep down, something tells us there is more, that there is something we are missing.


Coral Castle

Ever hear of a man named Edward Leedskalnin?  Born 1887 Died 1951.  Less then 90 years ago, he managed to do something all by himself science today still can’t explain.  It has a lot to do with the Pyramids and Stonehenge.  With nothing more then a 4th Grade education, he managed to build a little something called Coral Castle.  We still don’t know exactly how, but we may have an idea, and if its true, it may just blow your mind…  Take a look…

It’s pretty mind blowing isn’t it. 

What if ancient man knew these things?  What if they could do these things, and much, much more?  It would certainly explain their magnificent architectural feats.

If they did know, it would make us a look a little foolish nowadays not being able to replicate it with all our awesome advancements wouldn’t it?  It would certainly deflate our egos huh?  Kind of makes that gap between 3000 B.C and modern day seem a bit smaller.

Maybe, just maybe, Ancient man wasn’t quite as dumb as we think they where.  Unless of course, Aliens did actually help them...

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post.  Rate and comment if you like…

Until then, I leave you with this picture…

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alien Infested History?

A History of Aliens

So many things in this world seem shrouded and hidden away from view. So many things seem to have been kept from our grasp. For us to know and grow, these things must be let out into the light. It seems to me that more and more people are beginning to look into conspiracies, and look beyond what was originally presented to us with one hand, to see what’s been hidden away behind the back with the other. Likely, one of the most common of these, are ALIENS!

This is the reason I will never go into space… Unless I have a Predator bodyguard.

Most people are quite familiar with Aliens. Though in many ways, much about aliens remains a mystery, what isn’t known is subject to Conspiracies. Nevertheless, aliens are quite well known. It’s kind of funny to think of a top secret, anything for that matter that has SO MUCH publicity as aliens and UFO’s do. I mean, can we really even call it a conspiracy anymore? It will even sometimes pop up in idle conversation… like..

“Nice weather where having here, Bill”
“Sure is, Bob”
“Op, there goes another one of them there UFO’s”
“That was cool. You wanna pass me another beer?”


“Did you hear, the government is keeping Aliens and UFO’s a secret. Their not telling us anything!”
“Oh? If that’s the case, then how do you know about it then?”
“…They suck at their job”

You see what I mean?

Even the picture above shows how much publicity they have. We have movies about them. I’m sure you could name 10 movies about aliens with little trouble. We have books, not only about them, or about the conspiracies or cover-ups, but about HOW their crafts work. The science behind it. Debunking the debunks done to debunk the story and try to change the lines in which a person thinks. They even show up on the news. I mean, hell, by the time they actually land and say “Take me to your leader, idiot” they will be fans lining up for them to sign autographs.

So, where does the conspiracy actually lie when it comes to aliens and UFO’s? Well, for the most part, even that isn’t much of a secret anymore, but, this all sort of started back 1938, with a famous, and still funny little radio broadcast.

Orson Welles - War of the Worlds

This is the radio broadcast. The animation you see was not apart of the original broadcast, but it was the only one I could find with the entire story. So ignore the animation and just listen.

If you haven’t heard of Orson Welles famous broadcast of War of the Worlds, then you should know, this is one of the reasons Aliens are covered up today. Orson Welles funny little broadcast caused quite a little stir, as most people who where listening in, back in 1938, didn’t know it was just a radio drama they where doing. Most listeners tuned in after the introduction stating it was just for entertainment purposes and would be done with actors (Or in this case a voice cast) portraying the story War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

In short, it caused a panic among the listeners. They believed it was actually happening. That Aliens where actually invading and beginning to wreak havoc on the planet, starting a war with us. People fled to the streets and from their homes out of fear that Aliens from Mars where actually invading.

I remember sitting in class one time, and hearing about this for the first time. The entire class was laughing so hard. The teacher then allowed us to listen to the broadcast, and even then it sounded so real. They did an excellent job on it, and I can see why people panicked over it. But, it is still funny to think about. I can only imagine what it must of looked like watching those people react.

But, it was this reaction that caused the cover-up when Roswell, New Mexico’s little UFO incident happened in 1947.

Roswell is most known for that crash...

It didn’t take long for the Army to scoop it up and shuffle it under the carpet. Thinking of the mass panic that went on a little under a decade earlier, it would seem like a no-brainer to keep this quiet. They obviously don’t want another panic on their hands. And worse yet, this wasn’t a radio show, this wasn’t fake. It was real, and it had to be contained.

There are entire books on Roswell and the 1947 crash there. Lots of theories and stories flying around (just like the UFO’s).

Of course I must at least mention that ‘Area 51’ came to fame because of the Roswell crash. In fact, you could probably tie many of the Alien cover-ups to Roswell and Area 51...

Some of the conspiracies surrounding Area 51 are…
* The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
* Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
* The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs.
* The development of means of weather control.
* The development of time travel and teleportation technology.
* The development of unusual and exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program.
* Activities related to a supposed shadowy one world government or the Majestic 12 organization.
Area 51

The above it quoted from wikipedia. You can go to the link and see a bit more if you like.
I felt to lazy to type it all out, so copy and paste ftw…right? Ok fine you caught me, I couldn’t remember, so I had to go look it up and decided to just copy/paste… What? Don’t look at me like that!!

*Clears throat*

Ok, moving along now…

As the people began to take a deeper interest in the Alien and UFO conspiracies and people began to wonder how much depth this story goes, it led them into finding more and more intriguing discoveries. Such as, the further they dug, the further back into history these beings from another planet seem to appear in our history.

Upper right hand corner, there is something UFO-ish.

Opposite corner, and much easier to distinguish.

Ancient cave painting

This one is especially important. This one was taken 4,000 years ago, from a guy who went back in the past like in Assassin’s Creed. And he was all like “Oh damn, a UFO!” So he busted out his camera and took a picture… But that’s a different conspiracy…. So shhhh.

Anyways, all these pieces began to pile up and come together. People began to realize that Aliens and UFO’s not only have been coming for centuries and possibly even for millennia, but based off some of the other evidence they have found along the way, led them to believe, they may have had a big part in who we are today, and how we are able to do many of the things, such as construction and technology, today.

Pumapunku in Bolivia may have some of this evidence. As with the Pyramids, which may be a later post. Pumapunku’s architecture is, literally, unmatched. It is estimated to have been created around 600 A.D. It is most known for it’s perfect interlocking blocks, precisely cut and measured in a fashion that allows the blocks to fit together in such a way, modern engineering and construction cannot replicate this task. Every line is perfectly straight. The depth of each groove or slit is precisely the same depth throughout. Every corner is at a perfect 90 degree angle. Every measurement, is perfect. With that in mind, the question was brought up…

“Well, if we can barely do it now, with all the advanced technology we got. How could ancient man, with primitive tools do it?”

The conclusion was, you couldn’t.

This, among a large pool of other things, began to culminate, and soon something called Ancient Astronaut’s came into being. It literally refers to Aliens having been here since the dawn of man. Many even believe that it was Aliens that created the Human race, or at least had a hand in it.

The vastness of Aliens and UFO’s seems boundless. Paintings and sculptures and recordings of some form show up in all most all cultures and time periods, all throughout our history. Something I could probably write about for days with no end in sight. So, I’ll make one.....

And they lived happily, ever, after….

Ok, so maybe not….

Anyways, there are much, much darker aspects of Aliens, and the conspiracies. A few of them mentions above. But I wont go into those right now, mostly because I’m afraid of the dark…. So

This topic is far from over… but for now, we can rest here.

Till next time,