Long ago, in the not-so-distant past, I wrote a post about some of the possible Cures for Cancer, and an alleged Conspiracy to cover it up, for profit. Did I believe in these cures? For the most part, I did, and still do. But I didn’t necessarily promote them. My blog here is mostly a collection of things I find, interesting, and also to bring awareness to those who read it on some of the things that are out there, that maybe not everyone knows about.
It’s not hard to believe that we, as a people, are smart enough now to discover a Cure for Cancer, or if nothing else, a better form of treatment for it. It’s unfortunately also not hard to believe, that there are some people out there that would hide and cover up such treatments or cures, for profit. One of the reasons I didn’t promote, or suggest any of these treatments or cures, is the first video here that was brought to my attention.
If you watched the video, he used the cur… uh, I mean… treatment that I mentioned on my previous post. The most important thing to take from this is, he said it was working. Though it is only his word, and I would like to note that. But, including him, it seems the amount of evidence, and people claiming some of these treatments work, is growing larger.
Claiming it’s a Cure apparently is bad, if, and only if, it’s ‘Not’ actually a cure. I won’t go into saying, “See, they arrested him to cover it up!”, which may be true on some small level, but, they also did so by the book. Slapped an injunction on him to stop him from selling the products. He could of left well-enough alone. He made some money, and he could continue selling the information, and people could have got their own Apricots or kernels I’m sure, but he didn’t. Instead he deferred the products to be sold by his Grandma? Now, this may be just me, but I wouldn’t want to get my Grandma involved in any of this. On top of that, apparently he created a fake business, so he himself could continue selling the products himself? And was caught red handed with 250 years worth of it?
Last I will say is, he was given the opportunity to stop before things went too far, but I guess he decided the money was worth it. Now, I wont say I know everything about this guy, or his situation. So, who knows, maybe if we heard the full story, some of these things would make more sense. Also again, the Apricots seeds were working, so at least some information on a potential cure for cancer made it to the air, and maybe we can get some more information on its effectiveness.
Here is a video of another Cancer Treatment that still looks to be in the works, and will likely be a bit more acceptable to the mainstream medical community.
Doesn’t seem all that different from the Bob Beck Protocol (The Zapper) I mentioned in the previous post. Interesting nonetheless. Maybe science is taking what’s already been made, and remaking it, so they can officially release a treatment. If so, it’s probably because to many people are getting too close to the truth, and are asking questions and testing these ‘treatments’ themselves and finding pleasant results.
The next video lists a few more natural cures. I found it pretty pleasant to watch as well as informative, so I decided to list it. I haven’t looked into any of the other ‘remedies’ listed in the video, so, just a heads up, I’m not sure if they work. If they do, then it would be interesting to know so many cures are right around us all the time.
Interesting, isn’t it? And I’m sure there are more then this as well!
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
Till next time, I leave you with more lolcats!
Look closely…